Fresh Tendrils Lyrics
It seemed to take me through
Long time coming
Many served the few
And long to taste the shame
That bows down before you
It seemed to get me by
Long time coming
It seemed to satisfy
You longed to taste the shame
That everybody tries
Give me little bits of more than I can take
If it sits upon your tongue or naked in your eyes
Give me little bits of more than I can try
It seemed to take me through
Long time coming
Many served the few
And long to taste the shame
That bows down before you
Give me little bits of more than I can take
If it sits upon your tongue or naked in your eyes
Give me little bits of more than I can try

It's beautiful and disgusting what women can do to you.

The War on Drugs has done a lot of awful things but the absolute worst is the influence it's had on song interpretation.
But this song does seem to be about drugs, specifically alcohol. It sounds like it's about a teetotaller who takes up alcohol to help them out socially with fitting-in but eventually becomes addicted, leading to feelings of shame that he conformed rather than be himself.
"seemed to take me through, get me by, satisfy, etc." - drinking helping him fit-in with others and giving him relief from problems
"many served the few" - drinkers encouraging teetotallers to drink
"give me little bits of more than I can take, try, etc." - the teetotaller commits himself to taking-up drinking and encourages offers of more shots, different drinks etc.
"that everybody tries" - very few people never try alcohol

Definitely fitting in with the "newborn" theme of the rest of the album, the title refers to "tendrils", which are defined as:
"A twisting, threadlike structure by which a twining plant, such as a grape or cucumber, grasps an object or a plant for support. "
So basically a fresh, or newborn child, clings to his mother or father like a tendril. The lyrics make a lot more sense that way, referring to a child biting off more than it can chew- longing to enter the world that everyone seems to hate. The "Shame shame throw yourself away" line is like a parent angrily ranting almost sarcastically to her child.
Or that's how I take it.

I see this as a song about the dislike of the structure of relationships

I always thought it was about alcohol addiction

It's about manipulation of men by women.

Long time coming Many served the few
seems so political to me ...make me remind of the feudal times ..ok .. but it´s all about rage too a personal way

I am not sure about this song. I think it's about a couple when one of the partners (lets say the girl) who is always right made a big mistake and now he is ashamed about it and her partner is happy about seeing her like this and keeps reminding her she wanted to make mistakes like everyone else. But that's just what i think. you can never know with Chris.

Why does everything any heavy band from the 90's writes have to be about drugs? Shame, shame, throw yourself away - doesn't that seem like something a hateful parent would say? "What the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you do me a favor and get the hell out of my life?". Seeing how Cornell seemed to maybe have had problems with his dad (taking this from his newest solo album) it could be about the way he felt when his dad talked down to him in the past? "If it sits upon your tongue or naked in your eye" - If its so close to being a complete thought you can almost say it but its not quite there or if its so blatantly obvious its right in front of you. My point is with this is look into the lyrics before assuming "OH MY GOD THIS SONG IS ABOUT DRUGS". Give Cornell more credit than that.
@tsax421 these songs are open for interpretation dude. CC did this on purpose,I feel he promotes thought. His lyrics are easily relatable to nuclear relation just as well as addiction. We all may agree on this, an underrated lyricist who actually said what he meant. Only his brahs are the only ones who will ever know
@tsax421 these songs are open for interpretation dude. CC did this on purpose,I feel he promotes thought. His lyrics are easily relatable to nuclear relation just as well as addiction. We all may agree on this, an underrated lyricist who actually said what he meant. Only his brahs are the only ones who will ever know

i think theres some drug elements in it but i agree with the parent/child interpretation, on account of the title... i always thought of the "shame shame throw yourself away" line as something a parent or teacher would say to a kid. and for some reason this song really, really reminds me of the show malcolm in the middle, if thats relevant to anyone.
I think there are several potential meanings to this song which is one of the reasons it's so sick. There might even be an explicit reference to ancient history though. In 53 BC, Crassus (then more powerful than Julius Caesar) led a hopeless campaign into Syria against the Parthians. Not content with being the richest man and largest slaveowner in the Roman Republic, Crassus needed military success to satisfy his ego. The battle was a disaster for him: his son was killed as was most of his army and in anguish he rode into his enemy's camp. According to legend,...
I think there are several potential meanings to this song which is one of the reasons it's so sick. There might even be an explicit reference to ancient history though. In 53 BC, Crassus (then more powerful than Julius Caesar) led a hopeless campaign into Syria against the Parthians. Not content with being the richest man and largest slaveowner in the Roman Republic, Crassus needed military success to satisfy his ego. The battle was a disaster for him: his son was killed as was most of his army and in anguish he rode into his enemy's camp. According to legend, because Crassus was notorious the world over for his greed, his Parthian captors poured molten gold into his mouth. That night at the Parthian king's son's wedding feast, the Bacchae was performed, which is about a king who refuses to worship the greek god of wine and is thus punished for it. One of the actors in the play paraded around the severed head of Crassus while reciting a line from the play which translates to: "We bring from the mountain/A tendril fresh to the palace/A wonderful prey." According to Roman custom, death, however humiliating, is still preferable to continuing to live under such shame.