Full on Kevin's Mom Lyrics
Kev & me were two of three
Three brothers to the end
Then one went full on Kevin's mom
Now things have changed
Full on Kev's mom
Full on Kev's mom
Full on
And this one took the long way
This one took the hard road
I ain't saying who
But it wasn't me
Kevin's mom made four
(We don't come around anymore)

Cornell stated the meaning of this song: "Full on Kevin's Mom" is about "a friend of mine who slept with another friend of mine's mom. The guy who did it said to us, 'Yeah, full on Kevin's mom'."
No physical force, nothing about money. "You dont get nothing for free" refers to the price of the friendship.

i read somewhere that this song is based on a true event in which one friend slept with another friends mom and then told them by saying "yeah, full on Kevin's mom"

ummm reminds me of my little group of friends... haha it sucks tho... my buddies name wasn't kevin. His mom isn't really the type to go full on. and if it were physical force, Kevin's mom wouldn't make four.

Three friends--Kevin, the singer (Chris?), and the person who slept with Kevin's Mom.
I think "Kevin's mom made four" might mean whoever went "full on" got mom pregnant. 3+1=4. Not to mention, a pretty good reason not to come around anymore.
I think "Kevin's mom made four" might mean whoever went "full on" got mom pregnant. 3+1=4. Not to mention, a pretty good reason not to come around anymore.

Does the last line "Kevin's Mom made four" maybe imply that after one of them had sex with the mom, that they conceived a child, who now makes their threesome friendship now four perhaps?

I think the line...
"You don't get nothing for free..."
...is probably not actually a reference to prostitution.
Looks like Kevin lost a friend...

It's about one friend banging the the others, Kevins, Mom possibly for money and tell the narrator and thats why they don't go over there anymore
@Kylan Nope, I know the people involved. He, not Chris, was making out with Kev's mom in her kitchen but never had sex with her. She stopped it before that happened.
@Kylan Nope, I know the people involved. He, not Chris, was making out with Kev's mom in her kitchen but never had sex with her. She stopped it before that happened.
Later that night he told Chris that he was "full on" making out with Kev's mom. That's where the lyrics came from.
Later that night he told Chris that he was "full on" making out with Kev's mom. That's where the lyrics came from.

It's likely that the friend of Cornell's being referred to in this song is Kevin Wood, brother of the late Andrew Wood of Mother Love Bone, who was Cornell's roommate for some time up until his death in 1990.
@Nasai I new that Chris & Andrew where roommates around the time Andrew died. Matt & Ben from Soundgarden, Guitarist Ed McBain & Andrew's younger brother Brian on Vocals released a collaboration as the band Hater. I did not know until today though that Andrew & Brian had an older brother KEVIN or that Kevin & Andrew began Malfunktion together.
@Nasai I new that Chris & Andrew where roommates around the time Andrew died. Matt & Ben from Soundgarden, Guitarist Ed McBain & Andrew's younger brother Brian on Vocals released a collaboration as the band Hater. I did not know until today though that Andrew & Brian had an older brother KEVIN or that Kevin & Andrew began Malfunktion together.

It's about someone sleeping with their friends mum and not paying her and getting angry when she asked for payment and going 'full on'. Poor Kevin, huh?

How do you know? He could have lost Kevin as a friend because he bashed Kevins mom (full on could mean full physical force)