26 Meanings
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New Genious (Brother) Lyrics

dream of my world
i live on my world
going off my head, down to, somewhere
i'm going on a dance all tune

in a pressure today
i blew a bad man away, today
had a gun, had to be done
i blew a man away

brother, sister too
do what you must do
don't trust people you meet
they might promise you
that the river ain't deep

dream on the street
people passing though me, yes they do
well my friend
want my heart mend
i'm gonna bring it all back to you

brother, sister too
do what you must do
don't trust people you meet
they might promise you
that the river ain't deep
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26 Meanings

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Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

Just in case people didn't know it said in the autobiography that this was a song for Murdoc. And looking at it possibly noodle too. He's telling them watch out for the changing world and the dangers it brings. It needs to be said to both because noodle is growing up and Murdoc is just self destructive and seemingly unaware of the danger he puts himself in. So there

Song Meaning
Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

Okay, I'm gonna tackle this one bit by bit so bare with me, 'kay?

The first stanza mentions dreams, either in the sense of somnabulistic visions, or of one's aspirations.

The second stanza is about a murder "I blew a bad man away" implies a shooting. and the "higher ground, had to be told" line alludes to the murder as an act of moral resolve; the murderer had a nonpersonal motive (such as the assassination of a politician based on his/her poor job in whatever position, or difference of opinion by the gunman).

The third stanza is an attempt to justify the crime. "don't trust people you meet they might promise you that the river ain't deep" The victim was, in the eyes of the killer, one of many dishonest people in the world, and this line cajoles the killer's peers to at least distrust, if not (following his example) murdering other liars.

The fourth stanza describes the surreal emotions of the killer after the murder; his life is a walking dream. "passing through me" is perhaps literally, "passing by me" as in, as the murderer walks the streets, many unassuming citizens pay no heed to him. To them, he is another faceless body in the human masses. The reference to the killer's heart mending implies some remorse for his actions, and "i'm gonna bring it all back to you " is a promise for reform.

The last stanza is a reiteration of the third.

I think you are kinda wrong with your analysis. You cannot dissect a gorillaz lyric like som damn VCR user manual. You way oversimplify the content of the verses while reading way too far into each line.

I think that when interpreting a gorillaz lyric you need to look at the bigger picture. Or maybe not interpretating it at all is better lol, gorillaz lyrics tend to be very cryptic.

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Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

it could have alittle to do with that old African proverb about testing the depth of a river with only one foot.

Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

sorry guys but havent you read the rise of the ogre. as good as that other meaning sounds it's not about that.

it's a song about paranoia. straight from damon/2-ds mouth.

Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

this song is a classic

Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

"The alternate title isn't Brothers because 2D and Murdoc are supposed to be brothers, It's called New Genius (Brothers) because its 2D singing to people who he considers close friends (brothers, sisters too) and warning them about the dangers of trusting just anyone. In Rise Of the Ogre, it says this song was directed at Murdoc. Decide for yourself if 2D was warning Murdoc to stay away from dangerous people or if he was singing for people to stay away from Murdoc." - YouTube comment (not typed by me)

Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

What is 2D singing in the backround, at the last chorus?

Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

It's actually said in Rise of the Ogre (their autobiography) that this was for Murdoc. It's a song warning him on how destructive he is and that he's going to end up hurt if he doesn't watch his back or "trusts people" with out a second thought.

Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

so maybe this song is talking about how others shouldn't trust the people in the streets/ strangers/ gangs.

just listen-

"dream on my world, i live on my world" could mean that he only lives how he wants to live and won't be told to do anything accept for what he wants to do, i.e. 'i live in my own world'

"going off my head to somewhere" drugs?

'i blew a bad man away today' he killed a man

"brother, sister too, do what you must do, don't trust people you meet" maybe he is telling his brother or sister not to trust people like him or the people/person he is describing

"that river ain't deep" a man (presumably on the streets by the lack of grammar) is trying to force somebody to do something?

i don't know, that's what i think

My Interpretation
Cover art for New Genious (Brother) lyrics by Gorillaz

i have no fuckin clue what this song means i guess its about beaing yurself but im not sure. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME!!!!

The lyrics are pretty messed up. Someone did a shitty job. Lots of errors, man. I will go ahead and post all the lyrics here.

Dream on my world i live on my world goin' off my head down to, somewhere goin' on the best of tune and pressure today I blew a bad man away today had a gun, had to be done I blew the man away

[CHORUS} Brother, sister too do what you must do don't trust people you meet, yeah yeah they might promise you that the river ain't deep

Dream on the street people passin' thru...

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Damn i just errored! The last few lines are:

Wrought my brain I want my heart back gonna bring it all back


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