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Sound Check (Gravity) Lyrics

Gravity on me never let me down gently
Nobody with me never let me go no no

I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on me
I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on you

I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on me
I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on you

Gravity on me never let me down gently
Nobody with me never let me go no no

I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on me
I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on you

I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on me
I don't pull me down
I don't pull me down on you
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51 Meanings

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Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

I think it's about pleading to someone about something you know is futile. Like when you're asking someone not to leave you for another man or pleading to your boss not to fire you, I think this really captures that sick feeling you get in your stomach when you realise you can't do anything about it...

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

I decided to do some looking into what the sample could be saying.

On one site someone said "I've got no luck at winning."

I manage to hear several different things:

How come nobody's leaving? leaking? I saw no bodies ---

I can hear all three of these possible solutions. The real thing that is throwing me off is the word at the end that sounds like leaguing/leaving/leaking. Maybe he's saying "I've got no luck at leaving." We may never know.

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

This is a song about a person who's in a bad relationship and is afraid that their bf/gf is going to leave them.

Gravity - I feel this word is being used to describe the attraction both people have towards each other. They were drawn to each other from the start.

Never let me down gently - Letting someone down gently is a common way that people refer to breaking up with someone that they genuinely care about and, as such, don't want to hurt by telling them that they want to end the relationship. The speaker is telling the person to never let them down gently, or in other words, "don't try to spare my feelings by not telling me right out that you don't think it will work between us."

Never let me go no no - Simple in the context: please don't leave me.

The next two lines seem to suggest that one or the other is in denial about there being a problem in the relationship.

I don't pull me down on me - I don't put pressure on myself by putting ridiculously high standards on how I'm supposed to live or act.

I don't pull me down on you - I don't put my own insecurities on you either.

Also, the indecipherable parts suggest a recurring argument between the two, as if they're just not understanding or hearing each other.

Which brings me to my last point, the name of the song.

Sound Check (Gravity) - It's as if the main speaker were trying to suggest that the main problem, the fact that neither is listening to the other effectively, is going unheard and being ignored by both parties. Coincidentally, most people only remember the part of the name "Gravity" which isn't even the true name of the song! In a strange way, it illustrates perfectly that when one is in a bad relationship the negative tends to get ignored and communication tends to suffer more and more as the relationship is nearing it's end, until the final words of the last fight are all one hears and the relationship is broken off.

Of course the idea about this just being about the force of gravity is an interesting thought as well.

@RevBug I'm right with you on here, this song exactly means the same thing to me here. She is not talking to me as much as she used to, and its breaking me..

@RevBug it's Dell leaving Russels head and actually becoming a thing everyone sees. Rock the house explains that when Dell leaves his body completely to rap that hardcore verse and Russel was completely taken over. His alter ego making his physical appearance causes Russel to literally spazz out in random moments and during drum playing

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

I dont know why but this is my favorite song on the CD!!!

To Me this CD in General is Quite random which is WHy i LOVE IT!!!!

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

I think this song really is about nothing. I think it's exactly what the title says "Sound Check." It's a test of different elements of sounds, and instruments. That's why it goes from folk, to rock, to rap, to etc. See what I'm saying? Almost like a sound test.

To me, their self titled album IS the best because it is random, and different sounds. The problem with Demon Days was it WASN'T random, there was similarities in the songs.

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

this is the best song on th' cd, but without the two of them...

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

..........i love thiz song....... ^.^

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

this is a pretty cool song. i love it

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

I agree with newfoundfinch. =)

Cover art for Sound Check (Gravity) lyrics by Gorillaz

thats not tru sean ive neer been high and this song has alot of meaning to me