Uncovered Lyrics
Small creature you are
How quickly you are uncovered
Naked and cold
Mumbling and crying
Knowing everything's been discovered
Many secrets you have
But it's only a matter of time
Did you finally decide
There's nowhere to hide
And really no reason why
Have you got a name
I don't feel like calling you Buddy
I don't want to hear your story
I don't want to hear why
And I don't even care if you're sorry
Many secrets you have
But it's only a matter of time
Did you finally decide
There's nowhere to hide
And really no reason why
Strong are your bones
Strong as your bloody lie is uncovered
Small creature you are
How quickly you are uncovered
Naked and cold
Mumbling and crying
Knowing everything's been discovered

Pretty straightforward, lyrics, no? Your lie has been discovered, and there's nothing you can do to fix the damage. I seriously have to ask, is that really Chris singing the verses? How does he manage to have so many different tones to his singing voice? It boggles my mind.

This song is definitely about someone who's been found out as fake and is trying to save although their secrets have been exposed.
Probably my favorite song off this album.

I think, just maybe, that Uncovered can be about how also powerful people like politicians for instance, are just as frail as other people when it comes to the truth. Anyway it's just a suggestion...
to gfngfgf: the 2nd time the "Small creatures..."-verse starts of there are two voices singing at the same time but you can easely tell that they both are Chris'. It's just a mix like on Nirvana's "Clean up before she comes". I think it's a beatiful way to harmonize the lyrics and music.

This can may be the best song out of "LOUDER THAN LOVE" except for "Gun" a really cool and true song

yah i think he was very happy with his technique of swapping words(many secrets you have, many secrets have you, etc.) and went with that but the actual content is defintiely about a secret being let out and someone doesn't care if the person who did something wrong is sorry and its really basic no hidden meaning i assume.
I think that's called "chiasmus", if I remember correctly from high school English.
I think that's called "chiasmus", if I remember correctly from high school English.

It's about a fake person. Sick song, favourite off this album.