Incessant Mace Lyrics
Two sets of silverware, cups and plates
Two burning hands and bleeding hearts
Don't feel it's not too late to start
Are chained and down your hall
Reminding you of all the days
When you collected hell to pay
Well hell to pay
I said it's not too late
Not it's not too late
Incessant mace
Oh God I can see it, you know it's incessant mace
Are what you get for piling stacks
Beneath your treasure chest
You wonder why you're under stress
No it's not too late
Incessant mace
Oh God I can see it, you know it's incessant mace

I dont know why every lyrics site Ive ever seen ever, has the lyrics as "Magazine stacks..." seeing as how if you listen to the song it seems impossible to make the connection to that word which has too many syllables and doesnt even sound like what might be lyriced in the song. For those who don't know what it could be its actually:
"Leisure Slacks and Broken Backs"
For the ensuing nay-sayers go listen to some of the live versions for clarification and proof... especially the bootleg album titled "Big Dumb Sex" where it is pretty clearly obvious what he says. Not to mention the actual album... just play it with the phrase above in your mind, then play it back with the "magazine" in your mind, and then see which sounds closer to the sounds that chris actually makes.
Now as for the actual song. It is Amazing! I love Kims neverending guitar work in this song, its like one giant blues solo weaved in with another blues riff. its awesome and helps prove the diversity of Soundgarden.
here here
here here

I CANNOT believe this song has no comments. Listen to part where he says "You're under stress" and you'll appreciate it.
While this song is very hard to understand, it seems like it's about a disfunctional family that has no sense of love.
"Two sets of silverware, cups and plates Two burning hands and bleeding hearts"
and along with that, comes the obvious and main meaning of the song, a son who people are thinking/saying that he is just like his father and going to be just like. which has brainwashed him into believe it.
"So he's afraid he'll suffer his father's fate"
As for the lyrics about the pictures, I think those as just haunting reminders that hes alive, and in a non loving family.
As far as the stacks of magazines?? I have no idea lmao, maybe he has a problem with porn.

great lyrics. regarding the stacks of magazines...
"Magazine stacks and broken backs Are what you get for piling stacks Beneath your treasure chest You wonder why you're under stress"
i think he's saying that all you get from living for money and material things is useless shit (magazines stacks) and broken backs (from working too hard), resulting in being very stressed and confused about the meaning of your seemingly wasted life.

Especially after the loss of Chris Cornell..did I seem to understand Incessant Mace. After someone commits suicide without a note..or a clear reason people & the press 'find" reasons for such a heinous act. But in Chris's case, anyone who followed his music and read anything written or videoed interviews about him have an idea why. The lyrics and music he wrote for more than 30 years were very dark... depressing..and usually sad. He once told an interviewer that he had been suffering with Chronic Depression since he was very young. So..Incessant Mace reminds me of a few stories he told about his father and some of the hard times he had before he left his parents home. He was a very sensitive Man with a very intelligent mind. Just the title of the song tells us how very creative he was...