Rusty Cage Lyrics
And hit me with a hand of broken nails
You tied my lead and pulled my chain
To watch my blood begin to boil
I'm gonna break my
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run
I'm burning diesel burning dinosaur bones
I'll take the river down to still water
And ride a pack of dogs
I'm gonna break my
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run
It's gonna be too dark to sleep again
Cutting my teeth on bars and rusty chains
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run
Like God's eyes in my headlights
When the dogs are looking for their bones
And it's raining icepicks on your steel shore
I'm gonna break my
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run

I LOVE the way he uses the rusty term. Not only is it symbolic for trapped anger (the cage) it's also rusty, meaning that no matter what it won't open for it has rusted over. But now it's time to let go. You've reached your breaking point to where you become fearless and careless. A point to where not even rust can hold you back.

Badmotorfinger is excellent.. an orgasmic burst of creativity at a time and a place when a lot of good music was coming out of seattle (this came out the same day as Nevermind)... amazing song .. and "Anything after badmotorfinger sucks." I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.. Superunknown amazingly enough was even better than Badmotorfinger.. Down on the upside was great aswell..

KyleKraze wrote:
"Anything after badmotorfinger sucks."
Are you for real? Superunknown is an awesome album!

I agree with the abuse theories. Chris Cornell's parents were Irish Catholics and they split when he was a kid. His mom's maiden name is Cornell and Chris, as well as his siblings, changed his last name to this from Boyle. Maybe his dad was abusive and that's where he got the inspiration to write Rusty Cage. This is probably one of my favourite Soundgarden songs. Anything after Bad Motorfinger sucks.

To me this one is about putting up with abuse in a relationship and then finally reaching a point where you refuse to take anymore and leave.

hey? whats all this talk about down on the upside, badmotorfinger and superunknown, doesnt anybody care to mention louder than love? thats a great fucking cd i mean that bad is just badass but back to the song definetely sounds like a bad relationship and all the shit you go through tryin to get rid of that person

Awesome song. It has to be my favorite song intro ever. And the change in tempo from quick paced to Black Sabbath sluggishness is awesome too. As for what mindlessidiot said, I didn't really think Louder than Love was refined enough. They weren't matured enough musically then. No I still think their last 3 were the best in their own way cause the music for all three of them were very different (Metal based to Psychedelic to a more Progressive rock

um. thought I remember from a long time ago an interview saying its about a construction worker trapped all day in hellish working conditions, driving a backhoe or some equipment which has a rusty cage (you sit in to drive.) The guy dreams all day about breaking the cage and running. Even if that is not true, I always used it in my head when I drove machinery. I realized I wasn't the only one in hell working construction. don't remember what radio station I heard the interview or who it was

Great song. Johnny Cash's cover is wicked. I don't think this is one of those incredibly subtle songs that need serious explication. This puppy rears up on its hind legs and puts the bite on you fierce, which is why Cash covered it (he says in his liner notes that he's been this angry before).

i first heard this song on the soundtrack of the game ROAD RASH> fell in love with soundgarden after, Next Biggest Song by soundgarden? Pretty Noose!!!!!!!
LMAO So did i!!! Road Rash. Was failry hooked on that game too.. Cant even remember the name of the platform now.. It didnt last long. Thanks for the memory refresh though. Hehe ;)
LMAO So did i!!! Road Rash. Was failry hooked on that game too.. Cant even remember the name of the platform now.. It didnt last long. Thanks for the memory refresh though. Hehe ;)
Same here... Road Rash. Awesome game & this song was part of the reason why. Ha! =}
Same here... Road Rash. Awesome game & this song was part of the reason why. Ha! =}