15 Meanings
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Robot Factory Lyrics

Falling off this cycle
and it really ticks me off when you calculate this time and place.
looking over shoulders,
can always be like what it seems when you were left to my old man.
i am why you bring me here,
tear these cloths down when we fight.
back around these towers.
like something you don't want to see.
like yesterday when you were found.
adding up misfortunes can always seem like holidays when you were sent to be the one.
i am why you bring me here tear these cloths down when we fight.
it's over they found me they made (beat) me.
i can't believe they knew it we blew it,
our fortunes have been retrieved by humans who knew me they
used me to get what's mine.
they'll never replace me.
i'll be back.
i want revenge.
Song Info
Submitted by
riffic On Dec 17, 2001
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15 Meanings

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Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

I think this song is written in a robot's perspective on how humans mistreat and exploit technology for their benefit. Cute

[Comment Removed]

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

JIm wrote this song during a trubled time in his life. Robots had been sent back in time to implant a V-Chip in his anus. THis made him mad, and he wrote a song about it. But one day he said "FUCK" really loud and it shocked him so he wrote the middle and his large intestine hasnt worked the same...good day

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

This Song is really good JEW is my favorite band they are bringing good old rock & roll back they are the best alt/rock band around

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

k...not being a jerk or anything...just telling stephen that JEW is emo...not alt/rock.:)

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

lol @ Cockacola, yeah JEW kinda sucks now though. i donno there not the same

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

not to be a jerk or anything, but what does either label matter at all?

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

Yeah, really, I hate labels on anything. What does it matter, it's music.

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

I feel dumb. Cuz when I found this song like 2 yrs & the mp3 downloader thing it was listed as the get up kids. It wasn't till just now (after not figuring out why I couldnt find the lyrics) I bothered looking up the song title here. I feel silly!

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

This song was written by Tom, not Jim. If you interpret it literally, the narrator is a robot who wants to attack his creators. Which makes sence, if you were a robot you wouldn't just want to work for someone else all day long, would you? But I sort of dobut it's really about robots. Must be a metaphor for something, the hell if I know what.

Cover art for Robot Factory lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

Tom has great poetry stuff. JEW ROX!!!