Whisper Lyrics
say you're here and it's all over now
speaking to the atmosphere
no one's here and i fall into myself
this truth drives me into madness
i know i can stop the pain if i will it all away
(don't give in to the pain)
don't try to hide
(though they're screaming your name)
don't close your eyes
(god knows what lies behind them)
don't turn out the light
(never sleep, never die)
but somehow i know that there's much more to come
immobilized by my fear
and soon to be blinded by tears
i can stop the pain if i will it all away
(don't give in to the pain)
don't try to hide
(though they're screaming your name)
don't close your eyes
(god knows what lies behind them)
don't turn out the light
(never sleep, never die)
whispered voices at my ear
death before mine eyes
lying next to me, i fear
she beckons me , shall i give in
upon my end, shall i begin
forsaken all i've fallen for
i rise to meet the end
(don't give in to the pain)
don't try to hide
(though they're screaming your name)
don't close your eyes
(god knows what lies behind them)
don't turn out the light
(never sleep, never die)

In my opinion the song is about them finding out what the music industry is all about. "This truth drives me Into madness" She doesn't like it because it isn't what she had hoped for in her dreams of becoming a singer. She wanted to uplift people and present us with her beautiful music and voice but instead she is being told what to do and how to do it. She is a voice for someone else's evil plan.
Don't turn away --- She knows that it is dangerous to turn her back on the ones who got her to this point.
(Don't give in to the pain)--- She is suffering because she cannot influence her audience in the why she would like and that causes her much pain.
Don't try to hide--- She cannot hide from the media nor her fan base. It's everywhere and "They" will always know where you are.
(Though they're screaming your name)--- in reference to her fans.
Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them)--- There are many things going on inside her head because she has to live with this horrible truth which causes racing thoughts and feelings of despair. Many scenes of horrible truths cannot be unseen and behind the darkness of your eyelids hides all the memories that cannot be forgotten.
Don't turn out the light (Never sleep never die)--- In fear of what lies within the darkness. Sleeping is a very vulnerable point in everyones day. Who knows what's lurking around while you sleep.
I'm frightened by what I see--- She sees first hand what the master plan is. She also sees first hand what it has done to people, society and other artists. This plan is working and its bringing us all down.
But somehow I know That there's much more to come--- This is just the beginning for what "They" plan to do with this power that "They" have and "They" are using all forces that "They" possibly can. Their singers and actors are painted red so they fit right in while still getting the point across. She is very much apart of this plan because she is so very influential.
Immobilized by my fear--- The fear of this plan is so great that she cannot handle it. She is Immobilized by the fear of what's to come.
And soon to be Blinded by tears I can stop the pain If I will it all away---- Obviously she is in tears because of how devastating this plan is and how she was used to put parts of it into action. She can stop her role in it all but it takes planning and secretive measures to do so. It can't just happen overnight because it just isn't allowed. It doesn't work that way. Things can get very bad very quick.
Fallen angels at my feet--- We, the fans, are the fallen angels at her feet. While she is on stage we are below her. Most of us do not know what is going on. We have no clue as to what the plan is or even that there is a plan. We were innocent until our influences turned us into the fallen angels. Without our knowledge we have been influenced to be people we were not born to be. We have all been changed by the media and its at a level that we cannot even detect with our conscious mind. It is our subconscious "They" seek to reach.
Whispered voices at my ear--- It is "They" who whispers at her ears. "They" are telling her what to do and what to say.
Death before my eyes--- The death of our innocence. The death of society. The death of our own rights to be who we should be.
Lying next to me I fear--- She has been a role in the plan. She has acted under someone else's hand in all of this. She feels as if she is responsible for what has happened and what is to come. This truth lays next to her and she is ashamed.
She beckons me Shall I give in--- "She" is referring to the alter ego that Amy has obtained throughout her career. It is a being that will carry out what she cannot. Amy is being asked by this "She" to just give in and do as she is told.
Upon my end shall I begin Forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet my end--- If she should let this being take over then it will rise while the real Amy, with all her hope and dreams, will be gone. It would be the end of the true Amy. Her body would be a perfect mobile cast to this being and it would have free range to do as it pleases. It would literally be the end of the real Amy but the beginning of a whole other level of great success in her career. In making that choice it will cost her all that she has achieved while trying to become an independant artist.
It all becomes clear with the last words of the song...
Servatis a periculum [save us from danger]. Servatis a maleficum [save us from evil].
@angelkake310 I 100% agree with this. XX
@angelkake310 I 100% agree with this. XX
@angelkake310 Ya but, she wrote this song long before she was involved with the music business, just making demos in her basement with Ben Moody. They got their record contract about 4 or 5 years after this song was written. Otherwise, I'd say it fits.
@angelkake310 Ya but, she wrote this song long before she was involved with the music business, just making demos in her basement with Ben Moody. They got their record contract about 4 or 5 years after this song was written. Otherwise, I'd say it fits.

I have listened to this song forever and just recently have decided what it means to ME. (BTW, just because they aren't a Christian band doesn't mean they can't have Christian songs. How can you claim they don't have Christian based songs after listening to Tournequet (<<< Misspelled?) and she's asking if she'll be denied Christ?)
To me, it sounds like you are in hell calling for God to save you.
It's a plea to save you from you falling into hell but God isn't listening now because you are forbidden to enter Heaven. "Speaking to the atmosphere" and then you realize He's not going to listen or save you and it makes you crazy. Knowing you are in hell is too much and you lose it. "this truth drives me into madness"
The part "I can stop the pain if I will it all away, if I will it all away" is basically showing why you are in hell to begin with. You still don't accept that God has control and that you needed to give everything to Him in the first place. To trust in him to take care of you in life. It could also be kind of a coping idea in trying to convince yourself you can control the pain.
"i'm frightened by what i see but somehow i know that there's much more to come immobilized by my fear and soon to be blinded by tears"
Is basically describing how frightening and horrible your surroundings are now. How scared the souls that go to hell must be and to know that it only gets worse.
The "fallen angels at my feet" - demons are everywhere.. possibly pulling you down more. "Whispered voices at my ear" - they are speaking horrible things to you. "Death before my eyes" - I am not claiming to be an expert but I do believe you actually are cast into "death" when in hell. They say you live forever if you go to Heaven.. but I believe they say you die in hell. (don't take me 100% on that). So death is all around you. You are watching everyone die in hell. "Lying next to me, I fear" - its all around you so of course its right next to you. "She beckons me. Shall I give in. Upon my end shall I begin, forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet the end" - forsaking what you've fallen for.. so whatever belief that brought you into hell, you are forsaking and turning to God. But in the end you have to be cast into hell.
it sounds like the chorus is a cry for help. "Dont turn away" - please dont turn away from me, Lord. "Don't try to hide" - Dont be outside my sight. "Don't close your eyes" - another way of saying don't look away from the fallen. "Don't turn out the light" - everyone sees Heaven as this bright beautifully lit place
Everyone pretty much agrees the latin is saying "save us from danger. save us from evil" If you listen to the song.. the latin sounds like its getting a bit louder each time.. and eventually she fades away. Its all the fallen souls she's among crying out in unison to the Lord to save them from hell.
So there's my interpretation. Sorry it's so long.

I could listen to this song for hours. The best part is the "fallen angels....meet the end" piece. It's lyrical poetry. Another winner from Evanescence.

Whisper is about fake friends, missing friends, and lonliness...This song is so touching...along with the rest of all their music

How do you figure it's got GOD filled words? It's got a theme about never giving up, but I didn't hear "god" or "jesus" anywhere in the song.
Good song, very uplifitng, just not religous that I can see.
i agree. angels dont have to be religous
i agree. angels dont have to be religous

Even though They're not a Christan band it doesn't mean that they can't sing about Christan stuff... I for one think that this song is about the fall of man kind in Adams point of veiw...Now don't go calling me some crazy religious chick...I'm actually Atheist sooo >.>
catch me as i fall
obviously This is adam wishing For someone (god) to step in as he is about to give into temptation
say you're here and it's all over now speaking to the atmosphere
Again here i believe that he is talking to god
no one's here and i fall into myself this truth drives me into madness
According to a passage in Paradise lost ( an epic poem of the fall of satan and the banishment of adam and eve from the garden of eden) The Truth from the tree of knowledge gives adam and eve nightmares i know i can stop the pain if i will it all away
don't turn away (don't give in to the pain) don't try to hide (though they're screaming your name) don't close your eyes (god knows what lies behind them) don't turn out the light (never sleep, never die)
To me this whole chorus is about Adam fighting the guilt from taking a bite from the apple and acquiring the Knowledge of God. By they I just assuming demons the followers of satan taunting him for giving in so easily.
i'm frightened by what i see but somehow i know that there's much more to come
well when God finds out that they've taken a bite of the apple they're going to be in deep Shyte sooo
immobilized by my fear and soon to be blinded by tears
He's obviously afraid of the visions and being kicked out of eden
i can stop the pain if i will it all away
don't turn away (don't give in to the pain) don't try to hide (though they're screaming your name) don't close your eyes (god knows what lies behind them) don't turn out the light (never sleep, never die)
Guilt again.
fallen angels at my feet
Fallen angels oh come on Satan was the original "fallen angel"
whispered voices at my ear
Satan and his army whispering
death before mine eyes
when Adam and eve were banished from the garden of eden they became mortal and thus death before there eyes
lying next to me, i fear she beckons me , shall i give in
This is the only verse that speaks of Eve as she Beckons him to take the apple and he gives in upon my end, shall i begin forsaken all i've fallen for
Original sin anyone...according to that we are all forsaken until we've begin again...until we've been baptized
i rise to meet the end
he rises to speak to god..which will be his end (so he thinks)
don't turn away (don't give in to the pain) don't try to hide (though they're screaming your name) don't close your eyes (god knows what lies behind them) don't turn out the light (never sleep, never die)

Ok best theory that my love and i can give you is that it is about " THE END". The end of the immortal world. It is about the grieveing point of what you are leaving behind. The sadness and madness that takes over your soul, like a key protector from hell. It is about eternal damniation and the one chance destroy it all.It's about misconceptions and memories gone by. It is about levaing the past.. to be joined again in future times. The song has so many meanings.. some hiddedn messages that shall forever be kept. Some chanting yet haunting words that shall linger in the ear. Yet only be really head and seen with the heart. The main focus and point of this song was to talk about a past world that has come undone. That is my little aspect of this song!! P.S. I know what the chanting says... but really can't tell you!! Just open your heart and listen.

If I am only interpreting the first verse, (for the person who asked about it) I believe it can be read into as saying, catch me as i fall ("Save me from something", what I haven't a clue though) say you're here and it's all over now (Comfort me and reassure me,) speaking to the atmosphere (Speaking to no one....) no one's here and i fall into myself (I realize I'm alone and I try to find safety in my mind) this truth drives me into madness (realizing that I'm alone is, literally, maddening) i know i can stop the pain if i will it all away (the first part of this phrase is self explanitory) (I believe that willing it away is a reference to death)

Verse 1: Catch me as I fall Say you're here and it's all over now Speaking to the atmosphere No one's here and I fall into myself
This is an effective start to a song, I think it's referring to somebody, maybe an imaginary or even dead figure, who Lee or the character relied heavily on. She says "Catch me as I fall," as in she is relying on them to help her, but them remembers they're not actually there. ("Speaking to the atmostphere, no one's here and I fall into myself.)
Verse 2: This truth drives me Into madness I know I can stop the pain If I will it all away
This is a realization verse, Lee is coming to sense with the fact nobody is there and they can't actually help her. ("This truth drives me into madness") Then she feels some kind of courage or hope, that maybe she can stop being codependent and do it herself. ("I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away, if I will it all away.")
Chorus: Don't turn away (Don't give in to the pain) Don't try to hide (Though they're screaming your name) Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don't turn out the light (Never sleep never die)
This is beautiful writing, lyrically. The way it's sung is so that the words in brackets are actually soft voices, possibly those in her head, spurring her on to achieve this goal that is plagued with madness, insomnia and trauma. Its almost a reference to the concious battle between the angel and devil on somebody's shoulder, the angel is the one in the brackets. "Dont try to hide (Though they're screaming your name)" Could refer to Amy's inner demons or devil that wants her to give in.
Verse 3 and 4: I'm frightened by what I see But somehow I know That there's much more to come Immobilized by my fear
And soon to be Blinded by tears I can stop the pain If I will it all away
Verse 3 is most likely what Lee experiences as she finally 'opens her eyes' to the world inside her head that has feared her so much, but she knows there will be more, even worse nightmares plaguing her. (I'm frightened by what I see but somehow I know there's much more to come. Immobilized by fear,") Verse 4 leads on from 3, as Lee is expectant of the trauma she is about to experience, ("And soon to be blinded by tears.") they could be from hysteria, trauma or pure sadness at the further realization she is alone. Then the courage resumes with her stating she knows she can work through the pain, followed by the chorus.
Verses 5&6: Fallen angels at my feet Whispered voices at my ear Death before my eyes Lying next to me I fear
She beckons me Shall I give in Upon my end shall I begin Forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet my end
This is heartwrenching. The fallen angels at my feet probably relates back to the angels trying to help Lee, but they have know been overpowered by the demons. They are whispering and persuading her to give in and die, possibly suicide or to just let her madness take over her until she can feel nothing anymore. (Whispered voices in my ear, death before my eyes, lying next to me I fear.") The 6th verse is her considering to actually go along with the demons, and to die. "She beckons me" could be this person Lee has been relying on, trying to bring her to the dead, causing her to deeply consider it. She then notices she will be abandoning everything she has fallen for (this person she misses) if she doesn't go into death. She then decides to stand and let death over take her ("I rise to meet my end.")
The chorus then repeats three times, almost reminding Lee what she felt before she fell down and succumbed to her demons. Half way through this the latin cuts in, "Servatis a periculum" (save us from danger) and "Servatis a maleficum"(save us from evil). This could either be the angels that have fallen to defeat among the demons or just those others who are also, like the character in this song, in madness and caught in the crossfire of a fight between good and evil.
A beautiful song, one of my favourites by Evanescence, I love them too much!

This is written by a (highly gifted sensitive) 16 year old tormented by deep depression and anxiety, contemplating suicide, and expressing that emotion in the most dramatic terms. Amy said she used her song writing to deal with her pain, and so was reluctant to give it up. Pain was her muse. "Lithium- I want to stay in love with my sorrow, oh but God I want to let it go". Whisper is a masterpiece.