86 Meanings
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Even In Death Lyrics

give me a reason to believe that you're gone
i see your shadow, so i know they're all wrong
moonlight on the soft, brown earth
it leads me to where you lay
they took you away from me
but now i'm taking you home

i will stay forever here with you, my love
the softly spoken words you gave me
even in death our love goes on

some say i'm crazy for my love, oh, my love
but no bonds can hold me from your side, oh, my love
they don't know you can't leave me
they don't hear you singing to me

i will stay forever here with you, my love
the softly spoken words you gave me
even in death our love goes on

and i can't love you any more than i do

i will stay forever here with you, my love
the softly spoken words you gave me
even in death our love goes on
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Submitted by
cailin On Dec 30, 2001
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86 Meanings

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Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

When my fiance' past away..and I came across this song..I tell u what....this is helps my daily life in a sence that .it reminds me of him passing..According to some opinions.on it being a creepy song..I dont think so..Its a amazing song..love the words .love the music..love how she sings it...and just simply describes on what I am going thru..I would dig up my love. too.If they had a video on this song.....I would fit right in..I had seen some videos on youtube..and alot reminded me of how I would react ..that goes along with the comment I made about.." Understanding"..the songs that Amy had sung..just simply powerful and very emotionally and appreciated..she hits the notes like nothing..all her music hits home especially these pacticular ones

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

Well, I went to a private concert of their and Ben and Amy explained this song. They said it's a made up story about a wife who loved her husband veyr much, but he died suddenly. She's so torn apart by grief that she goes to the graveyard and digs him up and takes him home with her. (That's the first verse.) And then she's happy with him and doesn't see anything wrong with it. Creepy but neat kinda like an Edgar Allen Poe story. Beautiful song, tho. Amy's voice is amazing! I love Evanescence! haha (Never woulda guessed from my user name, would ya?)

It's funny that you said it's kinda like an Edgar Allen Poe story. His poem "Annabelle Lee" is about a man going to sleep in his wife's coffin with her corpse.

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

Although the lyrics are a bit twisted, I think this song is amazing. The overall mood is just so beautiful and haunting. It's one of my favorites.

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

if a guy sang this song, people would think it was sick... but she makes it sound good....

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

this song is talking about death of a lovedone....very sad song...the personwants there love back.

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

i can help but boohoo everytime I listen to it ;(

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

I didn't really like this one as much as the rest of the stuff of theirs I've heard tonight. (I've been downloading for a preview) constantly. I want to get the CD. I think it's because I miss GOD in this song. Their IS nothing anti-Christian about writing for an earthly love, I just think their songs focused on God have more emotion. GREAT band nonetheless, recommended for kids of all ages.

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

This is about missing love. I love it so much, i dont understand how someone couldnt like any of their music. Its....just....Amazing.....

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

"i will stay forever here with you, my love the softly spoken words you gave me even in death our love goes on"

that's just amazing...

Cover art for Even In Death lyrics by Evanescence

... wow. thats creepy. ive never heard that before, evanescencechic. damn, thats creepy as hell.


beautiful song, though, i love it.