Away From Me Lyrics
i hide behind a smile as this perfect plan unfolds
but, oh, god, i feel i've been lied to
lost all faith in the things i have achieved
in the shadows of a lie i've created
i'm longing to be lost in you
away from this place i've made
won't you take me away from me?
i'm looking to myself but my own heart has been changed
i can't go on like this
i loathe all i've become
in the shadows of a lie i've created
i'm longing to be lost in you
away from this place i've made
won't you take me away from me?
i have grown so weary of this lie i live
in the shadows of a lie i've created
i'm longing to be lost in you
i've woken now to find myself
i am lost in shadows of my own
i'm longing to be lost in you....
away from me

Did no one notice the typo in lyrics? It's "I've woken now to find myself/In the shadows of all I have created" (instead of "a lie I've"). Also, it's "Lost in a dying world I reach for something more/I have grown so weary of this lie I live" (instead of "warm" and "life"). Sorry, I know I'm nitpicking, but it urks the hell out of me =). Thanks for letting me rant, lol. I don't mean to offend anyone by sounding evil-bitchy =D.
To me, the song's about someone who's lied about who they really are and is now trapped in their lie. They've lied about who they are for so long, they feel like nothing they do is important. They want to be saved from their lies, but they're afraid of what the person they love might think of their true self. They try to save themself from the lies, and can't remember who they really are.
Grr, I confused myself on that one...

"i've woken now to find myself in the shadows of a all i've created"
- she feels empty because she is focusing on herself too much and worrying about how everything will affect her. the shadow is a dark place she created as a result of fussing over herself.
"i'm longing to be lost in you"
- it's only when we forget about ourselves and focus on other people's problems that we find happiness. if you try to make other people happy, you will feel happy yourself. those that give affection receive affection.

Someone is tired of life. They smile to the world to hide their unhappiness as inside they die. They feel hurt and betrayed by others. They think low of themselves.
They gain realisation of what they're doing. They feel trapped by what they've built. They long to be lost in someone (God/a good friend/lover). They want to be saved from themselves.
They struggle in the world and they suffer. They reflect on themselves for guidance but they find they have been changed by their experiences. They dislike what they are.
They feel empty and they're looking to fill this void. They're tired of being the way they are.
Trivia: "Away From Me" is spoken in the English Bible.
In short. Someone feels lost, hollow and damaged as a result of other people. They are seeking help/salvation from someone who can save them.

This song resembles my lfie in gerneral right now. It is saying that they do not like the person that they are and that they would rather be anywhere than in their shoes. They are trying to become someone that they do not know...but know they need to be. They are discovering themselves.

This song rocks hard...probably one of my favorite songs by Amy and co...I love the little piano work after the choruses.

This song is about individualism and about feelings. About someone longing to be someone else or to be with someone else. This song is awesome. <3

I think the point they're trying to get across is that you've worked so hard to get somewhere. Then you're there and take a step back and look at what you've accomplished and suddenly it's not what you wanted at all. But you're there and now you cant change it and you wish you could...its a great song!

There are values within you when you are born. Individualistic qualities that hold onto so tight that nobody can take away from you. But you can let them go. Sometimes the bitter world takes you for a ride and you find yourself taking exits without thinking, without feeling. And then you find out how far you've come, but what is around you is a world that you never wanted to be a part of.
My favorite line:
i've woken now to find myself
in the shadows of a lie i've created
I can relate so much. To shed your skin when you've realized the mistakes you were making and how you let yourself drift off (and it took someone else to help me through this, someone bigger then life--thank you!) But when you awaken, it is such an awesome feeling!
It is suicide that happens frequenlty in these individuals. And some just simply endure. But this person is choosing to change. To completely derail and get back to that place that they feel a part of. Usually it's somewhere from their past.
Personally I so want to be successful and a star, but I'm glad that I'm here just working things out now so hopefully if it does happen I can realize what direction I want to go in without letting myself be lost.

crawling through this world as disease flows through my veins i'm looking to myself but my own heart has been changed i can't go on like this i loathe all i've become I see in these lyrics a precursor of the song "tourniqet" where the author wonders if they are too lost to be redeemed from their depravity. i've woken now to find myself in the shadows of a lie i've created i'm longing to be lost in you i've woken now to find myself i am lost in shadows of my own i'm longing to be lost in you.... away from me In the chorus the author is seeking to be free of the shackles of their evil nature, and the lies about themselves they tell the world, and be free to be alone in God.

I've never heard this song before but I can tell by the lyrics themselves it must be good.