Dreams Lyrics
In every possible way
And oh, my dreams
It's never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems
I know I felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you
Then I open up and see
The person falling here is me
A different way to be
Aah, la-ah-la-ah
I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
And they'll come true
Impossible not to do
Possible not to do
And now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don't hurt me
You're what I couldn't find
A totally amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me
Oh, my life is changing everyday
In every possible way
And oh, my dreams
It's never quite as it seems
'Cause you're a dream to me
Dream to me9gh

I think this song is just talking about falling in love. Starts off by saying that stuff changes everyday, and this is what's changed with me. She's had relationships before and she's always thought 'This is it", but it's never quite as it seems... Then she realizes that she's actually falling for someone... harder than she's fallen before... and it's almost a completely different experience as before.. it's impossible to ignore... so she's going to go for it, despite past troubles, and warns him that since she's allowing it, he better treat her nicely. But I don't think the last part is what this site says it is... on others sites and what it sounds like is she says "So talk to me, amazing mind, so understanding and so kind, you're everything to me"... because she's so enthralled with him that just talking to him is comforting... I like to imagine that this is what love is really like... it's something to look forward to
@kdiddy33 agree with what you have said, although I would offer a slight variation in that perhaps others have fallen for her previously, but she may not necessarily feel the same way about them. This verse makes me think this:
@kdiddy33 agree with what you have said, although I would offer a slight variation in that perhaps others have fallen for her previously, but she may not necessarily feel the same way about them. This verse makes me think this:
"Then I open up and see The person falling here is me A different way to be"
"Then I open up and see The person falling here is me A different way to be"

I think it's about someone who has had trouble finding love before, but he/she has finally found someone who is so amazing it seems like it's all a dream.

I'm not sure exactly what this song means, but I think it's about falling in love with someone unexpected. Like, you never thought you'd fall for this person, but it just happened and the amazing thing is that, they like you too. :)

this song is about how love changes you in every way everyday its not about sex, what she has felt before is love but this time its so much more intense the man she is falling for has been her dream, and she wants more dreams and she realizes that the dreams come true about this man hes what she couldn't find, and she wants more of him, hes impossible to ignore he has become everything to her

this song has an eerie melody to it, which makes it one of the best songs of the cranberries!

when i hear this song it reminds me of when u first start to date someone and you really really like them , its has that new feeling still.. total infatuation...and you just cant get enough of the person.

the vulnerability in the line: you have my heart so don't hurt me is truly beautiful.
awesome band.
@lovelymemories says it so simply but holds such weight behind them!
@lovelymemories says it so simply but holds such weight behind them!

I know that most likely nobody will read this since it will be on page 3 or 4 but i'd like to pretend someone will. Pretty much this song describes my life right now. I'm currently a sophomore in high school and several months back, I was in a 2 week relationship with the senior captain of the football team. I realized this was pretty much every girl's dream and I really liked him. By the 2nd week, I knew things weren't working and at this point a friend of a friend started bbming me and we started talking, but nothing serious because I was in this other relationship at the time. I even contemplated not talking to him because I felt guilty, but something told me to keep him around. Turns out, the football captain broke up with me a few days after me and Eddie started talking, but for some reason I was okay with that. I continued to talk to Eddie and I knew he was attracted to me from the start but it took me a little while to develop feelings for him, considering at this point I liked a completely different guy. Well anyway, I started to feel something for him and after about a month, we told each other how we felt and wow that meant so much to me. He asked me out on January 1st and I said yes in a heartbeat, and we've been dating for almost 3 months now. I've never been so in love before. Yeah, I've had some cool boyfriends before, but nobody even compares to Eddie. I can't imagine life without him and he's so important to me. Now I'm rambling, but the point of this story was that this song describes everything I'm feeling right now and from this whole experience I learned that the person who really loved me was right in front of me, and now I wouldn't rather have it any other way. Amazing song, sorry for rambling!
Awww this is such a beautiful storyX)
Awww this is such a beautiful storyX)
this happened to me but in a horrible ending
this happened to me but in a horrible ending
@xolove1226 14 year update: have you listened to this song since, and how has the meaning changed? Also, are you still with Eddie? :)
@xolove1226 14 year update: have you listened to this song since, and how has the meaning changed? Also, are you still with Eddie? :)

This song is excellent...Listening it full blast is the best...choice.

"Dreams" by The Cranberries holds a special significance for me: it came into my consciousness at a lonely and beautiful time in my life: at the age of sixteen I was in the closet, my mother and I living with her neurotic mother (my grandmother) and her crack-addicted brother (my uncle). As odd as this may sound, "Dreams" has always seemed rather melancholic to me: a song that drifts through environment like the music of innocence, discovered and lost. I danced, cried, jogged, thought, contemplated, tried killing myself - all of that to this song. That's weighty, I suppose, but that's the significance this song holds for me. It's a song of self-discovery, who ever the "you" in the song may be, I have always taken it to mean the most integral "you": the person listening to it. Whenever I turn it on...I can still catch myself dancing to the beautiful and tenebrous music of being sixteen.
@Mark-Alexis wow, I can’t believe I’m gonna comment on something that someone posted here so long ago… I just created an account to be able to post my impression about what means this song to me and before writing my own I read a few, just a couple more or three not counting this… And I just wanted to say that my sister she’s been a fan of cranberries since we received their sound through the waves back in the 90’s in Spain, and today I heard for first time the cover from Jada Facer & Dave Moffatt, and while paying...
@Mark-Alexis wow, I can’t believe I’m gonna comment on something that someone posted here so long ago… I just created an account to be able to post my impression about what means this song to me and before writing my own I read a few, just a couple more or three not counting this… And I just wanted to say that my sister she’s been a fan of cranberries since we received their sound through the waves back in the 90’s in Spain, and today I heard for first time the cover from Jada Facer & Dave Moffatt, and while paying attention to the lyrics… I read it the same way as you’ve done before, this song it’s not about falling in love with anyone else than yourself, not her or him, this is about we, you and I, and all of us, learning to accept ourselves and love every bit of it… really deep this way of reading the meaning of this song, I’d say. Wish you good!