6 Meanings
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Tempus Vernum Lyrics

Oceanus, maritimus,
Opacare, matutinus,
Septentrio, meridies,
Occidens et orientis,
Oceanus, maritimus,
Opacare, matutinus,
Septentrio, meridies,
Occidens et orientis,
Terra, stella,
Hiems et aestas,
Autumnus et tempus vernum,
Radius solis
Et umbra,
Ignis, aqua
Caelum, luna,
Terra, stella,
Hierns et aestas,
Autumnus et tempus vernum...

Tempus vernum...
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6 Meanings

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Cover art for Tempus Vernum lyrics by Enya

When I only knew that the titel meant spring time, I thought it was ironic because the song is very dark. But then I got the translation for the whole song and it made sense. Here it is. Therefore, ocean, sea Therefore, dusk, dawn Therefore, north, south Therefore, west and east

Therefore, ocean, sea Dusk, dawn North, South West and East

Therefore, earth, star Winter and summer Therefore, autumn and spring time Therefore, ray of the sun and shade, fire, water Sky, moon, earth, sta, Winter and summer, Autumn and spring time...

Spring time.

Cover art for Tempus Vernum lyrics by Enya

the title is latin, and means "spring time".

Cover art for Tempus Vernum lyrics by Enya

Fantastic song. I'm learning latin so I listen to this to brush up occasionally.

Cover art for Tempus Vernum lyrics by Enya

The song sounds like a dark incantation... And it's actually about spring. I think I'll pretend I have no idea what the Latin means :)

Cover art for Tempus Vernum lyrics by Enya

I’m not still not sure what the title and the dark tone of the song coincide with? Yet I’ve listened to this song for 9 years!

Cover art for Tempus Vernum lyrics by Enya

This is a pretty cool song, even though it's short.