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Double Bass Lyrics

"All of which makes me anxious...at times, unbearably so."
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29 Meanings

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Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

Its a very intense song and if oyu hear it for the first time, its like whoah! this makes me anxious at times unbearably so!

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

Russel: This is actually quite interesting, how we got this track. I'd bought this great little thing, a tiny microphone with a suckerpad on the end from Tandy, the electrical store. When you place it against the side of someone's head, it picks up and records the sound of their thoughts. It literally transforms what they're imagining into music. Good for sampling.

Murdoc: I told 2D: 'Imagine 1950s-based rockabilly Brian Setzer from The Stray Cats knocking back a load of cough syrup, then going to a fairground with a couple of mates. Halfway through, Brian's going to start feeling a bit sick because he's now drunk some Jagermeister, and the thick gooey brown liquid's making him see things that aren't there. He's trapped in a mad world of fairgrounds, visuals, and bubbles. What does that sound like in your head?

Russel: This is the sound that 2D imagined. We added nothing to it. Other than Damon Albarn's voice, for the break, where he goes:

"All of which makes me anxious. At times unbearably so."

2D: I've always had a bit of fairground 'rock-a-billy' in me... Seriously. My dad works at a fairground in Eastbourne. It's my roots, hence 'Ghost Train' too. The Wurlitzer, arcades, Ferris wheels; my head's full of that stuff. For some reason I was also imagining the sounds from the old Atari game, Pong.

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

Not really sure if there is a meaning to this or not but It's a great song to listen to with your in a relaxing kinda chill out daddy-o kinda mood. (did that even make sense?)

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Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

you mean "beat-nicky"? well anyways,if you listen to it fo a while it sounds kinda like "rock tha house".....(my opinion)

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

i think its saying anything can make you anxious. what hes referring to i dont know because he doesnt specify it, so i think he wanted to leave it that way for your own interpretation. kinda like look deep into yourselves and see what makes you very anxious and why it does that, and see if you can change the way you are. peace

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

Definitely the best chill out song I've ever heard.

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

turdsnatcher2000, this song actually has an instrument instead of bass in it (it's actually the instrument that bass guitar branched off of) the instrument is called a Double Bass, but it can also be reffered to as and upright bass, and bass viol. it also has two double basses going at once, just thought you'd like to know that.

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

i play the double bass. sorry, i just had to share that. i'll be leaving now...

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

anybody who says "all of which makes me anxious.. at times unbearably so" I don't know why but it sounds like Michael Caine talking about Steve Martin in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" Don't ask me why it just does

Cover art for Double Bass lyrics by Gorillaz

kick ass sounds and bass..just let go..and then when it builds you up till its unbearable..its time to 'rock the house'