40 Meanings
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Dracula Lyrics

(This is good for the blood!)

The percentage of us tow the line
The rest of us out of reach
Everybody party time
Some of us will never sleep again

Dracula dracula
Dracula dracula

The percentage of us tow the line
The rest of us out of reach
Everybody party time
Some of us will never sleep again

Dracula dracula
Dracula dracula
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40 Meanings

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Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

he defintalely says "REST is good for the blood." im sure dracula likes his victims rested up. it is very believeable that this song could be interpreted to be about drugs. but then whats with all the dracula stuff? i like to think of this song as a big party at dracula's house where he sucks their blood and they become vampires. the number of them that "tow the line" share and carry on the common decent from the original dracula. the rest of them are out of reach...for some reason.

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

It isn't about drugs. It's about struggling through the daily trials and barely making it. Also, some of you get the lyrics wrong. So first, here are the correct lyrics: "I am a vampire!"

(Some of us just toe the line... the rest of us are out of reach. Everybody, party time. Some of us will never sleep again.)

"Rest is good for the blood!"

(Repeat of chorus) Dracula, Dracula, Dracula. Dracula, Dracula.

(Repeat of chorus) Dracula, Dracula, Dracula. Dracula, Dracula.


People struggle to make it. Either you barely make it, or you're "out of reach." But you should celebrate to pass the time, because you'll never sleep again. You'll be too busy working, becoming more and more like the living dead, "I am a vampire!". "Rest is good for the blood." You get no rest, you have no blood. Vampires themselves do not have blood, so they must drink the blood of others.

This song has so much meaning and people over look it. That and it's just kick ass. It's not about drugs, or any of that other stuff. I'd bet my bottom dollar on that.

Song Meaning

"Our society drains our lives", that's what it makes me think.

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

man, its "rest is good for the blood" This is from the old bugs bunny cartoons where Bugs travels to Trannsylvania. There is also a faint "I am a vampire" right in the beginning

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

it couldn't be anything else it has to be about DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sarcasm) emorockid watches too many cartoons....sorry.

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

... I, too, have to wonder why everyone thinks Gorillaz equals drugs. sighs 2D is a huge monster movie fan. He especially likes zombie and vampire movies. The song is exactly what it sounds like. A song about Count Dracula. It's obscure, yes, but if you've ever listened to anything 2D says, you know he always talks like that.

Besides, a lot of stuff in the song is really obscure references to monster movies. "Some of us will never sleep again," for instance, is a quote from a Dracula movie

yeah, i cant believe how stupid some people are. i said before i clicked on it "ooh im sure its about drugs" as a joke. WHAT THE HELL DO LINES "Dracula, Dracula" AND "some of us will never sleep again" GOT TO DO WITH DRUGS!!! YOUR IDIOTS

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Thank you! I don't know if there is some sort of deeper meaning to this song, but yes 2-D likes zombie movies and vampires are just another type of zombie. Though whatever the meaning is, I love this song ^_^

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Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

2D is really into zombies and stuff. He just likes scary gore movies. Maybe this is just another time where we think he is being really enigmatic but really he just has a migrane. I know that 2D isnt real and he doesnt write the songs but you do get some characterization of the gorillaz from their songs. This sounds like a 2D tribute to one of his gorey movies.

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

Yeah, this is about the horror movie Dracula. I agree, some people ALWAYS think of drugs when they think of Gorillaz. DAVJAX is right, everyone needs to stop labling EVERY Gorillaz song with drugs, I do think SOME of their songs are about drugs, but not ALL of them.

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

00:24 "I am a Vampire."

00:58 "Rest is good for the blood."

those were my two cents.

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

.....why is a lot of peeps here so obsessed on tha "gorillaz' song=drugs" thang?!

Cover art for Dracula lyrics by Gorillaz

cuz like they do read them carfully