Pushing Me Away Lyrics
The same way that I always do
This is the last smile
That I'll fake for the sake of being with you
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
Everything has to end, you'll soon find we're out of time left to watch it all unwind
The sacrifice is never knowing
Why I played myself this way
Now I see your testing me pushes me away
To do everything you wanted too
This is the last time
I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
Everything has to end, you'll soon find we're out of time left to watch it all unwind
The sacrifice is never knowing
Why I played myself this way
Now I see your testing me pushes me away
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
We're all out of time, this is how we find how it all unwinds
The sacrifice is never knowing
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see your testing me pushes me away

Linkin Park performs this song so beautifully live.
To me, this song is about a relationship that has hit a wall, but yet both parties are trying to hold on even though it's a lost cause. It seems to be also about attachment and being with someone out of habit, even though it may be an unhealthy relationship. It's basically about a relationship hanging from a thin thread, nothing can be done to help it except to leave, and push one another away. It's a classic case of being better off alone, than to be in a relationship that is not wholesome.
"The sacrifice is never knowing Why I never walked away Why I played myself this way Now I see your testing me pushes me away..."
This is about not having reciprocation in a relationship, in which in the end you'd only be hurting (playing) yourself for taking such a risk to begin with. Love is a risk. He's saying the true sacrifice is figuring out WHAT made him stay in this unhealthy, detrimental relationship. Why didn't I walk away if I knew this is bad? Why am I hurting/playing myself this way? It all points to insecurity which is evidently the theme of many Linkin Park songs.
xx Roxy

To me the song is about a man at the start of a changed mind and learning his tragic flaw, that's he doesn't love her the way he did anymore, and that it's the "last time" he'll be someone else to be with her. He is too tired of hiding the lie and wants to tell her, the sacrifice is too heavy. Their relationship was based on both parties lying (I tried like you to do everything..) and the adult thing to do is to finally walk away ("I never walked away"). And the larger meanin he's learned that's echoed by the back-up chorous is that everything has to end at some point.

If you've ever been in a relationship that isn't going anywhere, yet you still try to make things work...this song is perfect.

This whole entire album pretty much encapsulated the life of a teenager/young adult. This is the best music in the world for somebody who is very introspective and genuine. This is the best song on the album though, IMHO. It hits the nail on the head, and conveys the raw emotion of the song topic in such a great way. They could have named this album Adolescence Theory, and it would be the most aptly named album title in the history of recorded music.
Just like pretty much any music out there, this song can be interpreted in several different ways, but I believe it is about a dead end relationship with a partner. You can apply it to just about any type of interpersonal relationship, but I think that is the primary meaning of the song. I think it's about the way that relationships are sustained for too long, which can be any amount of time, when they simply aren't possible to endure due to the differences between both parties. Kind of like when you see the schism of a marriage from a mile away, because the two were together for the wrong reasons. Eventually, the major differences will have no choice but to overcome the temporary and superficial attraction, whatever it may be.
I watched this happen with my mother's second marriage, and it almost happened to me. I was deeply attracted to a young woman, and in the end, things just simply didn't work out, no matter how hard we tried. Our vast differences in personality created such a clash that our very strong, primal, physical desires failed to overcome them, even as she tried to convey that she was a person that she was not, to compensate for her perceived shortcomings. Even though it was a painful experience for the both of us, I'm very glad that we didn't succeed, because I likely would have ended up one of the millions of unhappily married men who made the mistake of going too fast and entering a shitty relationship with the promise of things being right, when they most certainly aren't. The best part of it, is knowing that, what was initially misperceived as a mistake by me, ended up being a blessing in disguise. It truly is amazing how what can seem to be the mistake of your lifetiime, is actually the best thing you have ever done. This song is about making that right decision, although it can seem like the wrong one initially.

I know that I've been pushed away and that I've done the pushing sometimes. I guess it's easier to push than get pushed because you're not the one that has to deal with the fact that someone doesn't want you around at that point in time. But basically what I'm trying to say is: I can totally relate to this song, just like all the other ones on Hybrid Theory LP, and I know other people can too, they just hafta think about it.

I want anyone who reads this to go find this song, but Live from Milton Keynes. I personaly believe it would have been a number 1 hit, if it came out like that. I am always on the verge of tears when I hear it, especially at the end.

"Even the people who never frown eventually break down" at various times i find myself repeating this line and just thinking how very much it applies to my life. it shows how not everything is perfect and what may seem to be the "perfect life" is in fact not as perfect as you thought.

I asked one of my friends what her favourite Linkin Park songs are and she told me "Pushing me away" and "In the end". I hadn't listened to track 12 on the album (downloaded songs previously) so I got ahold of it and you can actually feel somebody elses pain through this song.

This is my fav. LP song...Evreything falls apart and evreything has to end sometime...but when it does don't get discouraged..just pick yourself up and keep going.

This song is great, one of my favs...To many great songs to pick just one. I do see the pushing away thing, and I know how bad it feels and how much you want a relationship to work even though its obviously not going anywhere and you know that but you just keep trying...and trying...and trying....and well you just give up and wake up to yourself and decide its time to go...Anyone in a situation like this should listen to this song...and anyother linkin park because they deal with HEAPS of everyday stuff and I can relate to the whole album. Clap clap for linkin park on such a great album.