Lucky Denver Mint Lyrics
Minutes from somewhere else.
Somewhere I made a wish with Lucky Denver Mint.
Hurry go on ahead.
Good things won't let you wait.
I'll catch up when we get home.
At home I'll leave.
A dollar under water keeps on dreaming for me.
You're not bigger than this, not better.
Why can't you learn.

This is probably one of the least understood songs by J.E.W, and I think its cool that people love it cause its friggin rad, but there is a meaning. MY INTERPRETATION: Lucky denver mint the lyric in the song is referring to the place coinage is minted/an actual wishing coin. Lucky Denver Mint is symbolic of a silver dollar that the person in the song wished on, and flipped into the water...hence- "a dollar under water keeps on dreaming for me." In the song, the person wants to make the wish alone, the person is oubiously going through a hard time when they think they need a wish to get through. You've all felt that way. The rest probably makes more sense- now that you understand the symbolism...Definitly a great piece if writing- typical of Jimmy Eat World.

You know you've found a beautiful band when they can create a song like this, and you know you've found a beautiful song when so many people are touched by it like this, and so many people can read themselves or their own messages into it and still come together like this in appreciation and awe. I think everyone so far has had some great things to say about the song's meaning, but here's my take:
To me, it sounds like the singer (or whoever he was speaking for in these lyrics; the narrator) is on his own - Everyone's leaving him behind for better things, better lives, and he's been wishing for something, something better for so long, but he just feels worthless, like he doesn't deserve it...He tells them to go on ahead, that good things shouldn't let them wait, and he's telling them not wait for him, maybe he'll catch up with them someday...But in the quiet place, by the wishing well, only the silver dollar can dream for him; He looks around at his life, doesn't see the wishes coming true, sees everyone passing him by, and tries to tell himself not to stop wishing, stop dreaming, he's not better or bigger than his life, why can't he learn to just stay behind?
I think we all feel that kind of sentiment at one point in our lives, and writing a beautiful, heartwrenching song like this is an excellent way to rise above it, I think, and relate to a lot of people and give them more hope...

definitely one of JEW's best. i can't figure out the meaning, exactly, but it definitely speaks to me. :)

most underrated jew song ever

i'd have to agree with liveEmodieEmo on their interpretation of this AWESOME jew song. its one of their best and even thought few understand it... its a favorite to all.

If any of you have seen the video (not that videos are the way to interpret songs, though the band probably has something to do with it), it shows the guys in the band getting beat at basketball and ultimate frisbee, and then ultimately beating up some hulking wrestlers. Judging by their commentary on 'fitting in' in The Middle, I'd take liveEmodieEmo's comments on wishing (which are undoubtedly correct) further and say that he's wishing he could transcend above those people that say 'you're not bigger than this why can't you learn' to him. It makes for another encouraging song (prior to The Middle from Bleed American), giving the finger to the people who try to keep you down.

oh, that's interesting. i'd never though of the line "you're not bigger than this, not better, why can't you learn?" as being directed at jim or whoever being held down. i'd always seen it as jim or whoever he is speaking through as the person saying it to the .. er, oppressor - you know, "you're not better than this (speaker), not better, why can't you learn?" like why can't you overcome your ignorance and snobbery or whatever. it's interesting that there are two ways to look at those lyrics. there always is, though!

this is one of their best. i agree with the idea of wishing on a coin and throwing it into a lucky fountain or wishing well or something and it does point in the same direction as The Middle, saying don't listen to them, just listen to you and you'll be fine

This song is clearly one of the best JEW songs ever. It kinda touches home because I live close to the Denver Mint, and even though it's not alluding to the Denver Mint, more something more intellectual, I still like the song ^_^. Very good listening. :thumbs:

ALL THEIR SONGS ROCK!!! Jimmy Eat World is the best band this side of U2!!! Meaning U2 used to be the best, but they kinda dropped what they were about, lost their focus! And now Jimmy Eat World is here! With millions of different types of music that everyone can relate to! From fast and peppy to super sad! This is the best band ever!!! And I totally agree w/girliecore!! They are juss beautiful!