NYC Lyrics
don't know how to get there

I am a big fan of this tune t1nkerb3ll - it came on my MP3

How clever Snow Patrol are to make a 20-worded song make you feel so different after the very first listen. the whole song is so abstract and could apply to anyone at any time about so many things. to me, i think he's asking for confirmaton on his relationship, obviously- 'is this on' but then he starts on about he could take her anywhere but he doesn't know how to get there which could mean that she's too high maintenace for him, possibly? oh, i don't really know but it's a great song anyway.
I'm too literal and too sexually oriented. But I see this as sex. (Again.)
I'm too literal and too sexually oriented. But I see this as sex. (Again.)
"Is this on?" Meaning: Am I in a state of being "on," or rather "turned on?"
"Is this on?" Meaning: Am I in a state of being "on," or rather "turned on?"
"I am so, too." That's her response! She is "so" too. "So" meaning "in a similar state as." Such as "It shall be so."
"I am so, too." That's her response! She is "so" too. "So" meaning "in a similar state as." Such as "It shall be so."
"i could take you there but i don't know how to get there" Is when they come (pun intended) together. He could take her "there" (hehe) but he doesn't know...
"i could take you there but i don't know how to get there" Is when they come (pun intended) together. He could take her "there" (hehe) but he doesn't know how to get there. He's working on it, though. I mean, from being "on" anyway. She is so, too. And they do it again. And again. And again. (By the last time, I bet he knows how to get her "there.")
Okay, skeptics: why would Snow Patrol write such a sexual song? Well, it's not just plain-old doin' it. They're learning together. They're exploring sexuality together. Maybe they're teens in love (ahem... when did Lightbody write this song anyway...)

why doesn't anyone CARE? this song is one of the happiest in the world!!

player on the flight over from London to New York whilst I'm working over here for a few months. It enhanced the listening experience

player on the flight over from London to New York whilst I'm working over here for a few months. It enhanced the listening experience

i bloody love this song! Deff one of my fav snow patrol songs ... beats the crap outta chasing cars, thats for sure! the female singer in this song has a beautiful voice.. anyone know who she is??

I know these are, according to the album, the correct lyrics, but there is another lyric that goes; 'I could take you there but I don't know where to go' However, on the album it doesn't say this either, but it's pretty obvious so I'm not sure why it's not mentioned.
PleasePleasePlease, her name is Isobel Campbell, I think.

I came home and this song was on my computer a day or two ago. It was the strangest thing. I have never heard it before. Anyway... I just think this song is someone being at a complete loss for words. Like when someone doesn't really know what to think and it's just like I give up but then on the other hand they're like well geeze... It's like that look parents give their kids when they have no idea what to do. That little smile/brow furrow/head shake. Then again... it could be I am so lost too, or I'm so sorry too, or I'm so sick of this place too, or I'm so afraid of getting stuck here too, or I'm so just--- lol

It's a song about being at a complete loss for words and having no idea how to deal with or approach someone or something. It reminds me of the scene from a Scanner Darkly (book or movie) where they make an Ayn Rand reference when dealing with death. Or maybe it's an I'm so happy or just... I think this song comes from the chest it is simply just THAT feeling, that feeling that comes from the base of your sternum and just fills up the space between your skin and lungs... I can't figure this crazy shit out and it's maddening... that's how I'm beginning to feel about this song. It's maddening because it could be anything, kind of like life. It could be anything... never will we know.

Frankly, I think all it's saying is that somebody is lonely in this world. It's just funny because NYC is full of people and it moves so fast. However, people are still lonely... It's like you meet some people in this world that leave you so much emptier then you were when you first met them. The cd is good though, the title means something to the effect of I can be whatever I want to be when no one else is around. What an epedemic problem that one is.