Lyric discussion by epiphanysterror 

who shoved a spoon up rigel's ass? good lord.

i can't see the nun angle, either. there just isn't enough to back it up. the first two lines, though, really describe how I feel... well, just about every weekend. you wake up sunday, ready to do something important, and you start feeling unproductive (depressed, as he says). you do nothing all day but goof off and prepare for the week ahead. saying "i got myself undressed" is symbolic of that. it also plays in with talk about the altar later in the verse. I think the whole sunday-altar religious thing is there, but it's just a theme and not the actual subject of the song. there isn't a single definitive reference to religion or nuns in the whole song.

one should not overly complicate lyrics... if it looks like a love song and sounds like a love song... well, i think it's a damned love song. ... which is also an amazing piece of music.

LOL. Sometimes it IS what it appears to be :) Nun???? No way !

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