Lyric discussion by DKVille 

Cover art for Crystalised lyrics by XX, The

This song is about Crystal Meth.

1) You've applied the pressure to have me "crystalised" (hidden reference to using Crystal Meth) 2) ...that I could bring paradise (getting high) 3) I'll forgive and forget before I'm paralyzed (coming down after a binge) 4) Things have gotten closer to the sun (again, getting high) 5) ...and I've done things in small doses (another obvious reference) 6) You don't move slow (tweaking) 7) Glaciers have melted to the sea (crystal meth melting in the pipe when smoked) 8) I've been down on my knees (desperate for another hit) 9) And you just keep on getting closer (getting closer to what that first high felt like) 10) So don't think that I'm pushing you away when you're the one that I've kept closest (keeping it a secret and finally, facing addiction)

um... WOW nice :)

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Nice.. Well, I don't know if it's true but it makes sense when you put it that way.

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This is exactly what I thought! Also referring to number 7, she says she wants the glacier's tide to take her over.

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