Lyric discussion by xby45 

Cover art for Snap Out Of It lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

It's a song written from a woman's perspective (a woman singing), sung by a man. The notes and tempo give away it's a "different voice" to the other tracks on the album. He's a drunk most of the time, she's asking him to give it up and she'll be waiting. They're at the point in the relationship where she still wants him, and will wait, and it goes back and forth, but he's dragging his feet thinking he can have both.

@Ralph26 I think that that's an interesting take on the song, and I like it.

However, I think that it's very unlikely that that's what was intended, because the song just fits really well the idea of a guy really liking a girl and wanting her relationship to end so he can have her. The clearest evidence for it being that rather than a girl talking to a guy is the line "But it don't sound much like you, girl"; the person being spoken to is thus clearly female. Additionally, lines such as "I heard that you fell in love" and "It...