I kind of get the feeling that this song isn't necessarily about a past romance, but a romance that is reaching its end. Not because of an argument or something along those lines, but simply because of the dwindling interest on the narrator's end. I'll try my best to explain what I mean.
The first verse has the narrator (Alex) describe how he can't really come to terms with how or why his feelings towards his lover is weakening. He has an image of what they used to be, and doesn't understand how they (really, he) drifted away from it.
The mention of secrets in the 2nd verse is really just him keeping his feelings to himself. He doesn't want to tell her that he no longer loves her, but he's very tempted to do so anyways. He finds it strange that, after such a long time of keeping this girl in his heart, he no longer feels the same way about her.
The chorus is pretty much the narrator questioning whether or not he should tell his lover how he feels about their crumbling relationship or if he should keep it bundled up inside of him in the event that these feelings that he's having are temporary and will eventually fade away, allowing the relationship to go back to normal. The idea of the "fuse being fireside" really relates back to the trouble he's having trying to make a decision about whether he should tell his girlfriend what's really going on in his head- he's so close to doing it, and is convinced that these feelings are for real, but the fuse isn't quite lit, despite being "fire side".
The next verse is a reflection on memories the 2 had together- the narrator openly admits that something has changed in the relationship and the stuff they used to do and places they used to go no longer have the same appeal. He even states that his lover may be getting the same feelings herself.
The bridge is particularly sad because it shows how torn the narrator must be. He really did think he'd be with this girl forever- he could have never imagined that the feelings he felt for her would ever fade. But they did. He can't help but go through his day without thinking of the 2 of them, and whether the decision to end the relationship is the right thing to do.
@vincent505 I think you got it. Your interpretation is the best of all and also the closest to being correct. The fact that a fuse is "fireside" also illustrates how short this relationship has to last. If someone's not convinces, check out the lyrics in "Do I Wanna Know", where the relationship is described as perpetually going on and off, "crawling back to you", whereas here, it's completely different. Anyway, thanks for the analysis and yes, it isn't easy understanding AM's lyrics.
@vincent505 I think you got it. Your interpretation is the best of all and also the closest to being correct. The fact that a fuse is "fireside" also illustrates how short this relationship has to last. If someone's not convinces, check out the lyrics in "Do I Wanna Know", where the relationship is described as perpetually going on and off, "crawling back to you", whereas here, it's completely different. Anyway, thanks for the analysis and yes, it isn't easy understanding AM's lyrics.
I kind of get the feeling that this song isn't necessarily about a past romance, but a romance that is reaching its end. Not because of an argument or something along those lines, but simply because of the dwindling interest on the narrator's end. I'll try my best to explain what I mean.
The first verse has the narrator (Alex) describe how he can't really come to terms with how or why his feelings towards his lover is weakening. He has an image of what they used to be, and doesn't understand how they (really, he) drifted away from it.
The mention of secrets in the 2nd verse is really just him keeping his feelings to himself. He doesn't want to tell her that he no longer loves her, but he's very tempted to do so anyways. He finds it strange that, after such a long time of keeping this girl in his heart, he no longer feels the same way about her.
The chorus is pretty much the narrator questioning whether or not he should tell his lover how he feels about their crumbling relationship or if he should keep it bundled up inside of him in the event that these feelings that he's having are temporary and will eventually fade away, allowing the relationship to go back to normal. The idea of the "fuse being fireside" really relates back to the trouble he's having trying to make a decision about whether he should tell his girlfriend what's really going on in his head- he's so close to doing it, and is convinced that these feelings are for real, but the fuse isn't quite lit, despite being "fire side".
The next verse is a reflection on memories the 2 had together- the narrator openly admits that something has changed in the relationship and the stuff they used to do and places they used to go no longer have the same appeal. He even states that his lover may be getting the same feelings herself.
The bridge is particularly sad because it shows how torn the narrator must be. He really did think he'd be with this girl forever- he could have never imagined that the feelings he felt for her would ever fade. But they did. He can't help but go through his day without thinking of the 2 of them, and whether the decision to end the relationship is the right thing to do.
@vincent505 I think you got it. Your interpretation is the best of all and also the closest to being correct. The fact that a fuse is "fireside" also illustrates how short this relationship has to last. If someone's not convinces, check out the lyrics in "Do I Wanna Know", where the relationship is described as perpetually going on and off, "crawling back to you", whereas here, it's completely different. Anyway, thanks for the analysis and yes, it isn't easy understanding AM's lyrics.
@vincent505 I think you got it. Your interpretation is the best of all and also the closest to being correct. The fact that a fuse is "fireside" also illustrates how short this relationship has to last. If someone's not convinces, check out the lyrics in "Do I Wanna Know", where the relationship is described as perpetually going on and off, "crawling back to you", whereas here, it's completely different. Anyway, thanks for the analysis and yes, it isn't easy understanding AM's lyrics.