Lyric discussion by RHannoni 

Personally, I've always thought that this song was a really poetic exaltation to pregnancy and giving birth. The title "Fineshrine" and the lyrics "you make a fine shrine in me" just struck me as a really gorgeous way for an expectant mother to depict the sanctity of carrying a child. I think many women romanticize or even worship the little life they are growing inside of them. Then the lyrics "Cut my sternum open and pull, my little ribs around you, the lungs of me be crowns over you" just seems to speak even more to the adoration of someone with child and the literal anatomy of the lungs being situated above the womb. Later on, she says "the rungs of me be under, under you, to peer over and not forget what feet are, splitting threads of thunder over me" really came across as a literal description of a woman in stirrups giving birth....the pain, struggling to see over the bump, and even more symbolism about waters breaking in the lyrics "the lakes and quarries that brink" Obviously, this is just a drop inbthe bucket of many listeners out there. A beautiful song regardless of what it may mean to her or any one else out there. I think most artist love these kinds of threads because their song becomes something personal to everyone that listens and kind of gets up and takes on a life of its own. Guess that kind of came full circle again. Great track!

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