Lyric discussion by cchr9ts 

So this isn’t necessarily what I think the song was written about, but is immediately how it resonated with me - as dialogue from an abusive and possessive partner. It’s very sneering, in your face, like “you can’t get rid of me”. Just the vibe reminds me of an ex. He was stealthy and would never say this stuff (who would? Unless in the face of realizing they’ve lost control). But it’s the impression that was given. And that IS sad but true lol. Abusers will isolate you, make you feel like they’re the only one who cares about you, they want you dependent on them so you won’t leave. They manipulate your emotions, they hide behind you, they blame you. There’s the hate/love cycle of abuse. And the last line makes me shiver - “I’m you” - because a narc will make you feel like you’re the narc and the problem. They never take accountability and shift blame onto you so that you end up thinking everything was you. I can tell you, I don’t want to be anything like my ex. Anyway, I see how this song works with drugs, too, but that’s the beauty in nuance with songs - it can be meaningful to a lot of people in a lot of unexpected ways!

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