Lyric discussion by emo_SavestheDay 

Well, you guys just proved to me that Kurt Cobain's not the only one that's overrated... Dave Grohl isn't that great of a musician. I admit he's great... but this song couldn't be on the top 10 songs ever written. People say that when they're ignorant of other people's music... go listen to Jeff Buckley or something. Now that guy was an underrated musical/lyrical genius. I'm not saying this song isn't good... it's a very very good song that i like a lot... but, jeez... you guys sound like there was no music before the Foo Fighters came along.

if you dont like the song why did you bother checking out other peoples comments

Grace is probably in the top five albums of all time, sure; and Jeff Buckley was the world's best vocalist, no contest. But this... this is just sublime. There may not be any amazing songwriting or virtuosity in Foo Fighters' songs, but Everlong is just fuckin' intense.

Dave Grohl is an excellent musician -- perhaps not the greatest ever songwriter, but he manages to express passion and intensity which accentuate the meaning of the lyrics. The fact that he's popular is irrelevant to his abilities as a musician.

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