Mitä Minä
Hedningarna Lyrics

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What do I sing
when I sing at the moon
what do I sing
when I sing at the moon
oh, sing at the moon
I sing at the moon joo noo

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Hedningarna's song Mitä Minä reflect the longing of the singer to understand the purpose of their singing. The singer asks themselves what they sing, particularly when they perform under the moon's glow. The mood of the song is reflective and the use of repetition emphasizes the singer's curiosity and confusion. The singer's desire to understand the meaning behind their singing becomes evident in their repeated questioning. The 'moon' theme signifies a sense of mysticism and connection to nature, adding to the song's reflective tones. The song's sombre vocals, with a strong emphasis on energetic rhythms, also reflect this internal state of confusion and uncertainty.

The song itself is structured around a Finnish Joiku and the voice is the most important instrument which resonates throughout the song. Although the meaning of the words is not immediately clear, the song is a deeply poetic representation of the singer's personal quest for understanding. Although the song's lyrics are in Finnish, the Hedningarna's use of traditional Scandinavian instruments like the hurdy-gurdy, jouhikko (a kind of fiddle) and bagpipes add depth and texture to the sound. The song retains an authentic and organic feel throughout, capturing the essence of traditional Scandinavian storytelling through music.

Line by Line Meaning

What do I sing
What do the words I utter actually mean and convey?

when I sing at the moon
When my voice echoes in the night and reaches the moon, what message is being sent?

what do I sing
In this moment of expression, what is the meaning and purpose of my song?

when I sing at the moon
As my voice lifts towards the celestial body, do my emotions too ascend and transform?

oh, sing at the moon
Encouraging oneself and acknowledging the importance of the act of singing to the moon and expressing freely.

I sing at the moon joo noo
Affirming once again the action of singing to the moon and embracing the liberating feeling it brings.

Contributed by Jason I. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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