Ignacio Maria Gomez Lyrics

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Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta
Ha nobo la pho nobo la ba-nety nya leta
Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta
cla-ni selysa-e ana-nı selysa phono lá
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh m'ba li satinyo ku m'bé
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh Le sia puh m'belé
M'ba leta t'sinya leta senyafó tum bole lá
M'ba leta t'sinya leta senyafó tum bole lá
Hinma-ló sim dé
Tondon m'ba leta n'sia tum so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia tum so n'delá Tondon m'ba leta n'sia so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia so n'delá
Bhonola, bonile ti nata lo pilo piro piley fala-y fala-y fala-y filo-y filo-y filo-y foloh fó fó fala n'a bhua n'ai lai nela
Who m'ba so tum who m'ba, toui m'ba

So tumbó na
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Ignacio Maria Gomez's song "Belesia" are primarily in a language that is not easily identifiable, possibly a fictional or indigenous language. The repetition of phrases like "Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta" and "M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh" evoke a sense of rhythm and mystery. The song seems to convey a sense of celebration and unity, as the repetitive nature of the lyrics suggests a communal chant or mantra.

The use of syllables and sounds in the lyrics creates a rich and melodic texture, with a mix of soft and strong consonants. The phrase "M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh" could be interpreted as a rallying cry or an invocation of a sacred place or spirit. The repetition of "leta" and "senyafó tum bole lá" adds to the hypnotic and tribal atmosphere of the song.

Line by Line Meaning

Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta
I search for meaning in the new and old, in what is known and unknown

cla-ni selysa-e ana-nı selysa phono lá
In this journey, I explore the depths of my soul and the world around me

M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh m'ba li satinyo ku m'bé
I am drawn to the beauty of Belesia, it captivates me and pulls me towards it

M'ba leta t'sinya leta senyafó tum bole lá
I enter a state of deep reflection and contemplation as I embrace the essence of Belesia

Hinma-ló sim dé
Everything becomes clear and illuminated

Tondon m'ba leta n'sia tum so n'delá
I surrender to the melody and rhythm that resonates in my heart

Bhonola, bonile ti nata lo pilo piro piley fala-y fala-y fala-y filo-y filo-y filo-y foloh fó fó fala n'a bhua n'ai lai nela
In this sacred space, I am surrounded by the harmonious sounds and vibrations that elevate my being

Who m'ba so tum who m'ba, toui m'ba
I become one with the music, merging my essence with its energy

So tumbó na
I am lost in the enchantment of it all

M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh
I am captivated by the beauty of Belesia

Written by: Ignacio Gomez Lopez

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta
Ha nobo la pho nobo la ba-nety nya leta
Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta
Ala-ni selysa-e ana-nı selysa phono lá
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh m'ba li satinyo ku m'bé
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh Le sia puh m'belé
M'ba leta t'sinya leta senyafó tum bole lá
M'ba leta t'sinya leta senyafó tum bole lá
Dadi Hinma-lo sim
Tondon m'ba leta n'sia tum so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia tum so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia so non oltre
Bhonola, bonile ti nata lo pilo piro piley fala-y fala-y fala-y filo-y filo-y filo-y foloh fó fó fala n'a bhua n'ai lai nela
Who m'ba so tum who m'ba, toui m'ba.
Quindi tumbò na.
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh

All comments from YouTube:


This is one of the best songs I've ever heard in my life. My g-d.


Estaba à su concierto en Bruselas. Agora escucho su voz y su musica cada dia. Gracias 😍


I am having an eargasm here. Thank you for such great quality of work


Aca en cordoba.. manejando un remis.. llevando a su padre


Un morceau enveloppant, tout en douceur 😊


Une apaisante chanson aux sonorités acoustiques qui oscillent entre éléments dérivés de la musique folk et du jazz. L'interprétation vocale toute en douceur emporte l'esprit dans un état de légèreté, un lieu lumineux où il fait bon vivre, loin des tracas du quotidien. Ce titre est un véritable dépaysement auditif!
A soothing song with acoustic sounds that oscillate between elements derived from folk music and jazz. The soft vocal interpretation takes the mind into a state of lightness, a bright place where it is good to live, far from the worries of everyday life. This track is a real auditory change of scenery!


Merci papa de me l'avoir fait découvrir 😍😍 trop belle musique


Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta
Ha nobo la pho nobo la ba-nety nya leta
Ha nobo la pho nobo la be-nety nya leta
Ala-ni selysa-e ana-nı selysa phono lá
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh m'ba li satinyo ku m'bé
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh Le sia puh m'belé
M'ba leta t'sinya leta senyafó tum bole lá
M'ba leta t'sinya leta senyafó tum bole lá
Dadi Hinma-lo sim
Tondon m'ba leta n'sia tum so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia tum so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia so n'delá, Tondon m'ba leta n'sia so non oltre
Bhonola, bonile ti nata lo pilo piro piley fala-y fala-y fala-y filo-y filo-y filo-y foloh fó fó fala n'a bhua n'ai lai nela
Who m'ba so tum who m'ba, toui m'ba.
Quindi tumbò na.
M'ba le satinyó kum Belesia puh


Hermosa música de calidad, sin dudas👍👍👋👋👋


exxxceleeeente!!!!!!!!!! bellisisiiismooooo

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