KITCHEN - Glass Animals Lyrics

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Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head
Slipping through dreamland like a tourist
Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head
Slipping through dreamland like a tourist

That first friend you had, that worst thing you said
That perfect moment, that last tear you shed
All you done in bed? All on Memorex
All 'round, 'round your head, all 'round, 'round your head

Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head
Slipping through dreamland like a tourist
Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head
Slipping through dreamland like a tourist

You've had too much of the digital love
You want everything live, you want things you can touch
Make it feel like like a movie you saw in your youth
Make it feel like that song that just unopened you
You were ten years old holding hands in the classroom
He had a gun on the first day of high school
You want something bizarre, old conceptual cars
You want girls dressed in drag, you want boys with guitars

Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head
Slipping through dreamland like a tourist
Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head
Slipping through dreamland like a tourist

You see Kodachrome, you see pink and gold
You see Mullholland glow, you see in airplane mode
All 'round, 'round your head, all 'round, 'round your head
All 'round, 'round your head, all 'round 'round your head

You float in the pool where the soundtrack is canned
You go ask your questions like, "What makes a man?"

Oh, it's 2020 so it's time to change that
So you go make an album and call it Dreamland

Overall Meaning

In "Kitchen" by Glass Animals, the lyrics explore the theme of escapism and nostalgia, taking the listener on a journey through dreamland. The repetition of the line "Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head, Slipping through dreamland like a tourist" suggests a desire to wander through one's own mind, exploring hidden memories and fantasies. The use of the metaphor "dreamland" implies a space where one can detach from reality and indulge in personal desires and experiences.

The lyrics also touch upon the significance of past experiences and emotions. The mention of "That first friend you had, that worst thing you said, That perfect moment, that last tear you shed" indicates a reflection on moments from the past that have shaped the singer's life. Additionally, the line "All you done in bed? All on Memorex, All 'round, 'round your head" suggests that these memories are deeply ingrained in the singer's psyche.

The song further delves into the desire for authentic and tangible experiences, contrasting it with the digital world. The lyrics express a craving for live experiences, as opposed to virtual ones, to make moments feel more real and meaningful. The reference to wanting things that can be touched and experienced in the physical world highlights a longing for genuine connections and sensory experiences.

The lyrics also touch upon themes of rebellion and nonconformity. The desire for something "bizarre, old conceptual cars, girls dressed in drag, boys with guitars" suggests a rejection of societal norms and a yearning for uniqueness and individuality.

Finally, the lyrics allude to the importance of artistic expression and the need for change. The reference to the year 2020 and the line "So you go make an album and call it Dreamland" implies a desire to create and be a catalyst for transformation. It suggests the idea of using music as a medium to explore personal experiences and express oneself, indicating a hope for growth and evolution.

Overall, "Kitchen" encapsulates the themes of escapism, nostalgia, rebellion, and longing for authentic experiences. It invites the listener to delve into their innermost thoughts and memories, embracing the imaginative realm of dreamland while also acknowledging the need for change and self-expression.

Line by Line Meaning

Pulling down backstreets, deep in your head
Exploring the hidden corners of your mind, delving into your thoughts and memories

Slipping through dreamland like a tourist
Navigating through the realm of dreams as if you are an observer, exploring unfamiliar territory

That first friend you had, that worst thing you said
Remembering the significance of your initial friendship and the impact of hurtful words

That perfect moment, that last tear you shed
Recalling a moment of pure bliss and the emotional release of shedding tears for the last time

All you done in bed? All on Memorex
Reflecting on past experiences and actions that occurred in bed, all recorded and stored as memories

All 'round, 'round your head, all 'round, 'round your head
All these thoughts and memories continuously occupy your mind

You've had too much of the digital love
Feeling overwhelmed by virtual connections and longing for genuine, tangible experiences

You want everything live, you want things you can touch
Craving real, physical interactions and tangible things rather than virtual or distant experiences

Make it feel like a movie you saw in your youth
Desiring an experience that evokes the same emotions and nostalgia as a movie you watched during your childhood

Make it feel like that song that just unopened you
Seeking a moment that resonates with you so deeply that it opens up new emotions and perspectives

You were ten years old holding hands in the classroom
Remembering a simple moment of innocent connection and affection during your childhood

He had a gun on the first day of high school
Recollecting a traumatic experience of encountering someone with a weapon at the start of your high school years

You want something bizarre, old conceptual cars
Yearning for unconventional and eccentric things, like vintage conceptual cars

You want girls dressed in drag, you want boys with guitars
Having a desire for non-conformity, embracing gender fluidity, and being drawn to musicians who play the guitar

You see Kodachrome, you see pink and gold
Perceiving vibrant and nostalgic colors, reminiscent of the vintage Kodachrome film and associated with warmth and beauty

You see Mullholland glow, you see in airplane mode
Imagining the radiant glow of Mullholland Drive while feeling disconnected from reality, as if in airplane mode

You float in the pool where the soundtrack is canned
Mentally escaping and immersing yourself in a pool while listening to a pre-recorded, artificial soundtrack

You go ask your questions like, 'What makes a man?'
Seeking answers to existential questions, such as the essence of masculinity

Oh, it's 2020 so it's time to change that
Acknowledging the need for shifting perspectives and societal changes in the present year of 2020

So you go make an album and call it Dreamland
Taking action by creating an album and naming it 'Dreamland', expressing your artistic vision and exploration of dreams

Written by: Dave Bayley

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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thank you for explaining! i love seeing this perspective of this amazing album

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