The Last of Her Kind
Peter Gundry Lyrics

We have lyrics for these tracks by Peter Gundry:

Forever You Said تخيلني قاعد في أوضة ومتكتف مليانة شخبطة عن طفل بيتأسف الإضاء…

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Yes, the people made me cry
Yes, they let my family die
Yes, they made me run and hide
Yes, I fail even though I try
Yes, I'm buried in the snow
Yes, I dissapeared years ago
Yes, I am about to die
Yes, I am the last of my kind
I am the last spirit


She gazed upon the moon.

Standing amidst the cold land that once full of warmth and safety. Her eyes shone silence tears that stream down her delicate face.

"We won, but at what cost?"

The wind picked up as she felt a slight breeze hit her skin, as a silent voice whispered in her ear.



A girl pale as snow sat in tranquil peace at a lake. Her beauty was incomparable to any other woman. She was kind hearted and gentle with any form of life she would come across.

The wind was still. The animals that dwelled there were slumbering quietly in their warm homes.

The girl enjoyed the calmness. She loved the simple life she led. She belonged to the forest. Her heart produced magic unlike any other. Ordinary people looked up to her for advice. She was the definition of perfect as some would say.

"Come with me." The man said. "Come with me to a place where everything is perfect and good."

"Kind sir, if everything were perfect and good, there would be no balance. There cannot be good without evil. Nor can there be light without dark." She replied with a calmness.

"Very well young maiden. Do as you please." The man then disappeared, leaving the girl alone, still seated near the lake.

It is said that, if you may find this lake, the girl will be there to guide you along your way, drifting along the currents of life...

I have no clue if this is good or not lol. But if you do take the time to read it, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you!


The Piano glows
The Sound is hewn into the ground
The music is found to move
and how they howl the hounds

She rides so fierce and bright
The face has seen a thousand nights
The smile of a hundred years
Sees the faithful into their tears

Her steed is flaming
Her head is still
Her eyes are blaming
I feel a chill

As she hears the sound
Across this empty night
She turns around
Wanting to end this blight

As the sound moves
She will find
As she hears hooves
She fled as she is the last of her kind


Shattered dreams,
Nights spent drowned in tears,
Everyone's gone,
She's the last one here.

Family slaughtered,
Happiness, a mirage,
She has suffered,
Left with uncountable scars.

But her soul's strong,
She still shines,
Even if life's wrong,
She won't whine.

Even if it hurts,
Even if she's about to break,
She will go on,
As she's the last of her kind.


A figure, her delicate frame cloaked in a silvery cloak that danced gently in the wind, as she stood upon a low cliff, looking out at a large meadow, with young trees, and fresh grass, many grazing animals peacefully living their lives upon the fertile ground, yet the figure did not see the joy of that land, as a tear, shining like starlight, streaked down her cheek.

She remembered it like yesterday, the large village, childrens' laughter, the chuckles of man, and the giggles of woman. Houses, built of living wood, were placed at random, allowing plenty of room for movement for all. And flowers, that smelled of  honey and wine, constantly bloomed, giving the village a magical feeling.
The figure laughed dryly.... Magical. Using that word brought her nothing more than pain now. As the tragedy replayed itself in her mind, like it had occurred only yesterday.

It was a day like any other, she, herself, having been nothing more than a child at the time. She had been playing when they struck. Figures upon beast made of dark magic, catching the living grass, and houses aflame, as the sky turned black with ash and smoke. Laughter had been replaced by screams, and sound of slaughter. Dark figures cutting down all who they could find. 

In fright, the girl fled, only to return to a abandoned massacre when the skies were once again clear. Nothing but ash remained. All had burned in the flames of the beings that killed her people. Nothing remained..... The child was alone now, and forever.

Now that child was now a woman, looking upon what had once been her home, the magic of the land only just now reclaiming it from the dark magic that taunted it that day, long ago." But, it does not matter now", said the woman as she turned away, walking to a white horse, who was waiting for her patiently, and swung onto its back, her hood falling off to reveal elegant pointed ears, and white hair, braiding in a surreal manner," I will carry on our legacy." The horse turned, walking further away from the field, the, now revealed, elven woman looking ahead," I will survive. This world will not forget us until eternity comes to make this world anew, so that we may rise again."


Did you know that God above,
Created you for me to love?
He picked you out from all the rest,
Because He knew I'd love you best.

I had a heart and it was true,
But now it's gone from me to you.
So take care of it darling as I have done.
Now you have two and I have none.

If I get to heaven and you're not there,
I'll paint your name on every stair.
So all the angels will know and see,
What my Sweetheart means to me.

If you're not there on judgment day,
I'll know you've gone the other way.
And just to prove my love is true,
I'd go to hell to be with you.


Controlled by those who say its for good,
She remains stand still,
She doesn't talk much, doesn't mean she is rude,
Just silent because she knows it doesn't matter, nothing against others words will.

The balcony remains rock solid,
But her emotions can't stop screaming,
For once, she asks herself, when was the time that out of fear you hid?
Then next time she finds herself dreaming.

She can't keep on shedding tears for the rest of her life,
But can't control it so hide it with a smile,
She has been stabbed by knives,
The knives of emotions, which hurt more than a million nails.
She tries to stop herself from dying, but fails.

She knew, a girl like her was hard to find,
But about her happiness, everyone lied,
But it was not hard anymore, because she was the last of her kind,
Unfortunately, the last of her kind also didn't survive.


All comments from YouTube:


MUSIC USAGE : Use of this song or my music without a license / contract is strictly forbidden and breaching copyright laws will be handled accordingly with the law. Using music for beats , song releases , games , tv , film and all uses will be treated as a copyright breach. I am only writing this to save whomever uses my music in a wrongful capacity stress and financial loss. Its always a better practice to send me an email, talking about it and coming to an agreement like the rest of the industry who practice the right methods. Peter Gundry


Is it acceptable to link your video on Facebook?


This is amazing by the way.


If I have any fanatical projects that need a hint if music of the type, I'll be sure to Email you as per.

Your tunes are something else.


Why can’t I find this on Apple Music.. found all other but just not this.. please help with the link!!!!


@@pratikshaparab2790 The song is on my album "The Elixir of Life", are you able to see the rest of the album?

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Am I the only one who listens to music more than songs?


No, not at all.


i stopped listening to songs long time ago !!


As long as it's good.

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