Mini Love Song
The Arthur Lyrics

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Come with me where moonbeams light Tahitian skies
And the starlit waters linger in our eyes
Native hills are calling, to them we belong
And we'll cheer each other with the Pagan love song

Come with me where moonbeams light Tahitian skies
And the starlit waters linger in our eyes
Native hills are calling, to them we belong
And we'll cheer each other with the Pagan love song

Overall Meaning

The Arthur's song Mini Love Song is about taking a journey to a beautiful and exotic place, where two people can find comfort in each other's company. The song opens with an invitation to escape to a magical destination where the moonbeams light up the Tahitian skies and the starlit waters add a romantic ambiance to the atmosphere. It is a place where one can forget their troubles and experience the natural beauty of the hills and valleys that belong to the natives of the land. The song's lyrics drips with sensuality and a devotion to the natural essence of love.

The lyrics evoke an impression of two people entwined in a poignant and delicate romantic escapade. The Pagan love song represents a communion of two souls entwined in the grandeur of nature, and in each other's company, they forget the chaos of everyday life. Additionally, the lyrics imply that love is a natural force that should be celebrated in harmony with the earth.

Line by Line Meaning

Come with me where moonbeams light Tahitian skies
Join me on a journey to a place where the moon illuminates the Tahitian skies with a brilliant glow.

And the starlit waters linger in our eyes
We'll stand in contemplation of the star-filled waters that inspire and enchant us, as we gaze upon them with enchantment in our eyes.

Native hills are calling, to them we belong
Our souls are tied to the hills where we come from, calling out to us to return home where we truly belong.

And we'll cheer each other with the Pagan love song
Together we'll celebrate our love with a deep and passionate hymn, expressing our devotion to each other and the natural world around us.


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Arthur bỏ đi với tất cả ký ức cùng selenia




Great job, my friend! 👍👍👍






Tội nghiệp arthur .arthur đã giúp bao nhiêu lần


Это было Круто ❤


I hope we get something else relating to the Arthur series. (Not counting the most recent movie, "Arthur Malediction".)


Пж сделай клип про Урдалака и Змеяря 🌺💓🍃. Можно под любую песню

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