Working All Night and Day
The Baboon Show Lyrics

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There ain't no time to play
We're working all night and day
Yeah, you're feeling tired and got a headache
Someone is calling for you
Forth and back just like a rattle snake
You just don't know how to get through
You're getting home late at night every night
You're hungry but you haven't got food
You're putting on a record nevermind
Then you wake up next day
The weather's grey
There ain't no time to play
We're working all night and day
No time to go to the city
We're working all night and day
We're stuck we can't get away
We're working all night and day
Such a pity such a shame
We're working all night and day
Yeah you see them now at every fucking station
You see their bloody faces smiling at you
You can't get away to begin the operation
The train is packed and there's no room for you
For those about to rock
For those about to fuck
For those about to have a good time
This is reality sisters brothers
Do you get what I say

It's still grey

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of "Working All Night and Day" by The Baboon Show paint a vivid picture of the relentless grind of daily life, focusing on the struggles and exhaustion that come with working tirelessly. The opening lines set the tone, emphasizing the absence of leisure time due to the constant demands of work. The repetition of "We're working all night and day" drives home the overwhelming nature of the situation described.

The imagery of feeling tired and having a headache highlights the physical toll of the work, while the comparison to a rattle snake emphasizes the unpredictable and challenging nature of the tasks at hand. The portrayal of coming home late and feeling hungry, yet lacking the energy to even find food, captures the sense of deprivation and weariness that can accompany long hours of work.

The mention of putting on a record and seeking solace in music as a temporary escape from the grind hints at the coping mechanisms people may use to endure such demanding circumstances. However, the subsequent mention of waking up to grey weather suggests that the difficulties persist even after moments of respite, reinforcing the idea that the cycle of work and exhaustion continues unabated.

The lyrics further delve into the feeling of being trapped in a never-ending cycle, unable to break free from the demands of work and the pressures of daily life. The references to crowded train stations and the lack of space symbolize the suffocating feeling of being hemmed in by responsibilities and obligations, with no clear path to escape. The repeated refrain of "We're working all night and day" serves as a bleak reminder of the constant struggle to keep up with the demands placed upon us.

Lyrics © Seegang Musik

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Wow! a gorgeous song!




Serbian freelance workers love this song!


good song for the Handwork🧘‍♂️💪


Why you have 32.800 subscribers but just 130 likes
Wtffff but nice song btw

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