Since I Let You Go
The Jeromes Lyrics

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2009 SACEM

Since I Let You Go

We use to be together / So in synced So in Love
Then you took for grantedI'd always be there
I had more than enough
Now since I Let You Go
I'm living my life / and everyday a new day for me
I paid the price / And I Let You Go

Eeeeww everything was so fine when I thought you were all mine
But deceit and your lies I began to recognize
Now this is how my garden grows

Since I Let You Go
I'm living my life I paid the price
And I Let You Go

Oooooohh yeah

There are no regrets / here's wishing you
The very best
I can truly say as I stand here today
I have found my happiness

Since I Let You Go I'm living my life
I know who I am now baby
I sacrificed
And I Let You Go

Since I Since I Let You Go
Since I Let you go my baby I had to let you go
Since I Since I Let You

Since I Since I Let You Go

Since I Let you go my darling I had to let you go

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to The Jeromes's song "Since I Let You Go" tell a story of a past relationship that has come to an end and the singer's journey of finding themselves again after the breakup. The opening lines reminisce about the once harmonious and loving connection the couple shared, but then express the feeling of being taken for granted, leading to the decision to let go. The singer emphasizes that they had more than enough and deserved better.

The chorus of the song, "Since I Let You Go," expresses the liberation and transformation experienced by the singer in the aftermath of the breakup. They are now living their life to the fullest, embracing the opportunities that come their way, and starting anew. The phrase "I paid the price" suggests that there were challenges and difficulties they faced during the healing process. However, despite the pain, they affirm their decision to let go and move on.

The lyrics also touch on the realization of deceit and lies in the relationship. The singer acknowledges that they began to recognize the dishonesty and this revelation played a part in their decision to end the relationship. The line "Now this is how my garden grows" symbolizes the personal growth and development that took place after letting go. The singer's life has transformed, and they have blossomed into a stronger and happier person.

In the final verses, the lyrics convey a sense of closure and detachment. The singer expresses that they hold no regrets and genuinely wish the best for their ex-partner. They affirm that they have found true happiness and have a clear sense of identity. The repetition of "Since I Let You Go" emphasizes the significance of this decision and the transformative effect it has had on their life.

Throughout the song, The Jeromes beautifully express the emotions and journey of letting go and finding personal happiness after a breakup. The lyrics capture the pain, growth, and liberation experienced by the singer, leaving listeners with a sense of hope and empowerment.

Line by Line Meaning

We use to be together / So in synced So in Love
We were once inseparable and deeply in love

Then you took for grantedI'd always be there
You started to assume that I would always be by your side

I had more than enough
I had reached a point where I had given enough in the relationship

Now since I Let You Go
Now that I have made the decision to let you go

I'm living my life / and everyday a new day for me
I'm now living my life to the fullest, and every day feels like a fresh start

I paid the price / And I Let You Go
I endured the consequences of ending the relationship, but it was necessary for my own well-being

Eeeeww everything was so fine when I thought you were all mine
Everything seemed perfect when I believed that you belonged only to me

But deceit and your lies I began to recognize
I started to see through your deceitful actions and lies

Now this is how my garden grows
Now, my life is flourishing and growing beautifully without you

There are no regrets / here's wishing you
I have no regrets, and I genuinely hope you find happiness

The very best
May you have the best in life

I can truly say as I stand here today
I can honestly say, in this present moment

I have found my happiness
I have discovered true happiness within myself

Since I Let You Go I'm living my life
Ever since I let you go, I have been living my life for myself

I know who I am now baby
I now have a clear understanding of my own identity

I sacrificed
I made sacrifices in order to move on and find happiness

Since I Since I Let You Go
Since the moment I let you go, I have experienced growth and liberation

Since I Let you go my baby I had to let you go
Since I had to say goodbye to you, my dear, I had to release my attachment to you

Since I Since I Let You
Since I allowed myself to move on from you

Since I Since I Let You Go
Since the moment I let you go, I have experienced growth and liberation

Since I Let you go my darling I had to let you go
Since I had to say goodbye to you, my beloved, I had to release my attachment to you

Written by: Chynna Paige

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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