New Life
Thomas Bergersen Lyrics


Writer(s): Thomas Bergersen

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Ever since I heard A Place in Heaven, Thomas Bergersen has been my favorite composers of music among his like-minded talented colleagues from Two Steps From Hell and Audiomachine. I actually bought this album yesterday, never listening to it before buying it, and took out to work with me, and once this song came up ... I could only stand back and gap in awe at how incredible this song was. In all honesty, mere words cannot do this song justice. This affected me in such a way that since I had no oversight at my workplace, I danced. I don't dance, but I did when this song played. My worldly worries, concerns, and woes simply melted away and all I could do was laugh merrily and dance like a fool.

I cared not how absurd I looked, my soul was smitten, my mind flew to realities so wondrous and grand, and I am not ashamed that I danced. Once again Thomas delivers to me another grand piece of art I will carry in my heart till the day I die. 

All I can say Thomas, is thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. As thanks, I will share this music with my friends on social media, you damn sure deserve the free advertisement. I look forward to the next musical masterpiece you create to sweep me from this reality to a better place ^-^

Your humble and goofy fan,

Anon Boo Ta Mellon


Mr. Bergersen I have to thank you a lot. After a really stressfull day at work, some ugly argues with my parents, stress with friends and too much homework to really handle, I put up this playlist once more. Although I have heard all this masterpieces over 20x (have found you too late) I still feel like Catalistic but for the finally it just calms not just my nerves, but my whole being. Soul,Body, everything.

I feel extremely sorry that I found your music so late. But I am gratefull and somehow honored to be one more small fan who can look up to you. You and your work are indescribable for me and I am really happy to have found two steps from hell and you.

to overkill the comment:" Your Work is Heavens gift and my feelings towards this are hellishly weird."

Long storry short:


All comments from YouTube:


Have you ever feel an emotion so alien that you think it isn't a product of your brain and the release of dopamine, serotonin, and all that is just a by products when it hits you? and then you cry not because sadness, nor because happiness, it is because the physical body you caged in can't handle the unknown emotion.

And I got that emotion from this song.

Because that's what I feel when I hear this song and sometimes I wonder if someone else has ever feel the same awesome emotion like what I feel.
It feels like a song like this is just a reminder from our soul that there are far more important and greater things in life than what we think. It just that mister Bergersen has a skill good enough to wake the emotion on another soul. 

And for that, I'm grateful.


I get that feeling


Such a perfect description of the feelings I get while listening to these songs .


You do this harm by giving such a hipster-esque exaggeration. Just say you loved it, and that it gave you warmth.


VladtheImpaler31 TIL artistic expression is a waste of time.


Catalistic Artistry is not exaggeration.

38 More Replies...


Thomas isn't a mere musician. He is a magician. The greatest wizard of our time.


He is a genius for sure. One of the greatest out there too! What a brilliant composer this man is. Just freaking astonishing.


He is Arcturian in human form


I just love his music..🎼🎼🎼..SO MUCH🎶🎶🎶🎶

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