Dead Melodies
WOHNZIMMER - Beck Lyrics

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Where will you go
When this day is over
A gambler's purse
Lays on the road
Straight to your door
Snakes have gone crazy tonight
Winding their way out of sight
A laugh, a joke
A sentiment wasted
Seasons of strangers
They've come and gone
Doldrums are pounding,
Cheapskates are clowning this town
Who could disown themselves now

Engineer, slow down this old train
Cinders and chaff
Laugh at the moon
Night birds will cackle
Rotting like apples on trees

Sending their dead melodies...
To me

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of "Dead Melodies" by Beck are open to interpretation, but here is one possible explanation:

The first verse sets a scene of uncertainty and transition. The question "Where will you go when this day is over?" suggests a lack of direction or a sense of being lost. The mention of a gambler's purse by the road implies that there are risks involved in the choices one makes in life. The snakes represent deception or treacherous situations, as they are winding their way out of sight.

In the second verse, the lyrics take on a more somber tone. A laugh and a joke are seen as sentiments wasted, implying that there is a feeling of emptiness or insincerity in interactions with others. The reference to seasons of strangers coming and going suggests transience, where people come into one's life only to leave again. The mention of doldrums and cheapskates implies a stagnant or struggling atmosphere in the town, where people may be disowning or disconnecting from their true selves.

The bridge section brings in the metaphor of an old train, possibly representing the passage of time or life's journey. The engineer is asked to slow down, symbolizing a desire for stability or a break from the constant motion. The laughter at the moon suggests a disregard for the natural order or cycles of life. Night birds cackling and rotting apples depict decay and a sense of darkness. The phrase "sending their dead melodies to me" can be interpreted as haunting echoes or reminders of past experiences or mistakes.

Overall, these lyrics convey a sense of disorientation, disillusionment, and a longing for stability or meaningful connections. The imagery used paints a picture of a town or world where people have lost touch with themselves and their surroundings, and the consequences of this disconnection are explored through various metaphors.

Line by Line Meaning

Where will you go
What will be your next destination

When this day is over
After the end of the day

A gambler's purse
The money of a risk-taker

Lays on the road
Resting on the pathway

Straight to your door
Directly to your residence

Snakes have gone crazy tonight
The deceitful people have become wild this evening

Winding their way out of sight
Moving covertly and disappearing

A laugh, a joke
A moment of amusement

A sentiment wasted
An emotion or feeling that has been squandered

Seasons of strangers
Periods of unfamiliar individuals

They've come and gone
They have arrived and then departed

Doldrums are pounding
Feeling of stagnation and depression

Cheapskates are clowning this town
Miserly people are making a mockery of this place

Who could disown themselves now
Who could reject their own identity at this moment

Engineer, slow down this old train
Driver, decrease the speed of this outdated locomotive

Cinders and chaff
Ashes and worthless material

Laugh at the moon
Mocking the moon

Night birds will cackle
Nocturnal birds will emit loud, harsh sounds

Rotting like apples on trees
Decaying similar to apples remaining attached to trees

Sending their dead melodies... To me
Transmitting their lifeless songs to me

Lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
Written by: Beck Hansen

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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