Ain't Done Yet
l.r.f. Lyrics

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You ain't seen nothing yet
No we just getting started
You ain't seen nothing yet
Don't even try to stop it
We got style, we got flair
We gon be who we are
We got drive we got swag
We gon be superstars

You ain't seen nothing like us
You ain't seen nothing like us
You ain't seen nothing like us
You ain't seen nothing yet

That's how we do it, how we do it
That's how we go, how we go
That's how we do it, how we do it
You ain't seen nothing yet

We doing it our way
That's how we do it, how we do it
You hear what we say
That's how we go, how we go
We doing it our way
That's how we do it, how we do it
You ain't seen nothing yet

You ain't seen nothing yet
We got that motivation
You ain't seen nothing yet
Cause we got dedication

We won't stop, we won't quit
We gon be who we are
You better get down with it
Yeah gon be superstars

You ain't seen nothing like us
You ain't seen nothing like us
You ain't seen nothing like us
You ain't seen nothing yet

That's how we do it, how we do it
That's how we go, how we go
That's how we do it, how we do it
You ain't seen nothing yet

We doing it our way
That's how we do it, how we do it
You hear what we say
That's how we go, how we go
We doing it our way
That's how we do it, how we do it
You ain't seen nothing yet

Imma show you how
Imma Imma break it down
We gon do it right now
Yeah we gonna get loud
Imma show you how
Imma Imma break it down
We gon do it right now, now
You ain't seen nothing yet

We doing it our way
That's how we do it, how we do it
You hear what we say (You ain't seen nothing yet)
That's how we go, how we go
We doing it our way (You ain't seen nothing yet)

That's how we do it, how we do it
You ain't seen nothing yet

Overall Meaning

In l.r.f.'s song "Ain't Done Yet," the lyrics talk about how the singer and their crew are just getting started and are unstoppable in their quest for success. The chorus repeats the phrase "you ain't seen nothing yet," emphasizing the idea that they are just getting started and that their best is yet to come. They boast about their style, flair, drive, and swag and how they will become superstars. They make it clear that they are doing things their way, and nothing can stop them as they have motivation and dedication. They end the chorus by saying, "That's how we do it," solidifying their confidence and belief in their approach to achieving their goals.

The verses continue this theme of confidence and determination by saying that they won't quit until they become who they are meant to be. They encourage others to get on board with their vision because they are going to be successful regardless of who supports them or not. The bridge of the song changes the tone as the singer shifts their focus from talking to others to just doing it themselves. They promise to break it down and get loud because they are ready to show the world what they are made of.

Overall, "Ain't Done Yet" is a song about being confident, focused, and determined to achieve your goals. It encourages listeners to believe in themselves and their abilities as they set out to make their dreams a reality.

Line by Line Meaning

You ain't seen nothing yet
You haven't witnessed the full extent of our potential yet

No we just getting started
We've only just begun and have a lot more to offer

Don't even try to stop it
There's no stopping our progress

We got style, we got flair
We possess a unique and impressive sense of fashion and individuality

We gon be who we are
We won't change who we are for anyone else

We got drive we got swag
We have an intense motivation and confidence in ourselves

We gon be superstars
We have the potential to become extremely successful and famous

That's how we do it, how we do it
This is our way of achieving success

That's how we go, how we go
This is the direction we're heading in

You ain't seen nothing like us
We possess a uniqueness and originality unlike anything you've ever seen

We doing it our way
We're taking our own approach and not conforming to anyone else's standards

You hear what we say
We're making our message loud and clear

We got that motivation
We're driven and determined to succeed

Cause we got dedication
We're committed and focused on achieving our goals

We won't stop, we won't quit
We won't give up on our dreams no matter the challenges we face

You better get down with it
You should join us and support our journey

Imma show you how
I'm going to teach you how to excel in this field

Imma Imma break it down
I'm going to explain the steps it takes to succeed

We gon do it right now
We're taking action immediately

Yeah we gonna get loud
We're going to make a lot of noise and attract attention

Written by: Kendel Joy Lester

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Comments from YouTube:


Great band! Thanks for the upload!

Skinpride Worldwide

You´re welcome mate



Stefan Meisse

Best band ever!

ferdinand hiro




Stefan Meisse

Have they released other albums?

Skinpride Worldwide

Cheers Stefan! Yes they released some more stuff.

Steve Lira

whats this (Business) going on over here?!?! nOi!ce............

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