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Artist: Arcade Fire
Suggested Track: The Suburbs

In the suburbs I
I learned to drive
And you told me we'd never survive
Grab your mother's keys we're leaving

You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting in a suburban war
Your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored
We were already, already bored

Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling again

The kids wanna be so hard
But in my dreams, we're still screaming and running through the yard
And all of the walls that they built in the seventies finally fall
And all of the houses they built in the seventies finally fall
Meant nothing at all
Meant nothing at all
It meant nothing

Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling and into the night

So can you understand?
Why I want a daughter while I'm still young
I wanna hold her hand
Show her some beauty before this damage is done
But if it's too much to ask, if it's too much to ask
Then send me a son

Under the overpass
In the parking lot, we're still waiting
It's already passed
So move your feet from hot pavement and into the grass
'Cause it's already passed
It's already, already passed

Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling again

I'm moving past the feeling
I'm moving past the feeling

In my dreams, we're still screaming
We're still screaming
We're still screaming
Full Lyrics and Meaning
SongMeanings Interpretations
Arcade Fire Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More
Arcade Fire Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More at SongMeanings! song lyrics, song meanings, albums, music and more.
Arcade Fire - Keep the Car Running Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) Lyrics
this song is about the tension between striving for a new world and existing in the current one. in this consumeristic Western world, our culture encourages us ...
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs Lyrics
The artist is conveying that being rebellious is hard like standing on hot pavement and orders his rebellious side to just move to the grass where it is soft ...
Arcade Fire - Rococo Lyrics
In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control ...
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) Lyrics
To me this song is about finding comfort in someone special during a particularly traumatic event. I think there's stuff here about loss, sadness, survival and ...
Arcade Fire - Afterlife Lyrics
Well, I don't know the best way to word it but basically its about losing someone that means everything to you (not like breaking up, but actually them passing ...
Arcade Fire - Wake Up Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - Black Mirror Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - Porno Lyrics
This song is about female sexuality and male sexual immaturity. And about the singer feeling both threatened by the male sexual image often portrayed these days ...
Arcade Fire - Suburban War Lyrics
In this interpretation, the song is about how he tried to go through with his suburban war as one person ("you grew your hair so I grew mine"), but eventually ...
Arcade Fire - Intervention Lyrics
This song is about having an intervention. Like any intervention, you must first realize that you have a problem..."working for the church while my life falls ...
Arcade Fire - Deep Blue Lyrics
While the obvious connections with suicide or alcoholism could be drawn easily, more subtly this song could be about someone who views the world through a ...
Arcade Fire - Ready to Start Lyrics
This song is about an idealistic young adult who doesn't know what life to live in this world. On the one side there is the 'real' world, where the behemoth ...
Arcade Fire - In the Backseat Lyrics
So now I come to the song meaning, it is about the death of Regine's mother Alice. The backseat is a metaphor for control in her life. She used to always have ...
Arcade Fire - Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) Lyrics
The Sprawl, by its definition, and through its meaning here, is referring to the lights, life, and overall urban pollution of the city and all of its societal ...
Arcade Fire - My Body Is a Cage Lyrics
Instantaneous Contemplation of Life After Death I think this song is about the moment right after someone dies- the interim split second between life and death.
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #2 (Laika) Lyrics
In this light, "Neighborhood #2 (Laika)" is about the Cold War era. Alexander (which, as someone already mentioned, is a very common name in Eastern Europe) ...
Arcade Fire - Supersymmetry Lyrics
7 Comments ... This song is about togetherness, in one way or another. Supersymmetry is a theory in particle physics which very, very basically says that every ...
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - Reflektor Lyrics
The song seems to argue that connections through technology are impersonal and we end up seeing more of ourselves than of the other person. You think you've ...
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) Lyrics
The song refers to these kids who have been sacrificed on the economic altar as "swinging from the power lines" because "nobody's home, nobody minds." The ...
Arcade Fire - Abraham's Daughter Lyrics
Abraham's daughter know's something is terribly wrong, and follows father and son to the mountain. At the last moment, an angel of God does appear to stop the ...
Arcade Fire - Black Wave/Bad Vibrations Lyrics
As for the actual song, it seems to be (on a literal level) about someone fleeing the political and social instability of Haiti, taking their chances on the ...
Arcade Fire - Joan of Arc Lyrics
This is a good summary of the song. This boring, "perfect" life foisted upon us by some higher powers (not spiritual, but political, economic, etc. politicians ...
Arcade Fire - Windowsill Lyrics
This song is about every little pressure adding up to create a constant stream of stress. The narrator is tired of television and the zeitgeist in general, with ...
Arcade Fire - Wasted Hours Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - We Don't Deserve Love Lyrics
As the song concludes, he realises that love isn't unachievable, it's simply the fact that his partner has deep-seated issues that she isn't prepared to ...
Arcade Fire - City with No Children Lyrics
A city with no children is a city with no future. However, the reference to this feeling is less about the external environment (i.e., the city) and more about ...
Arcade Fire - Half Light II (No Celebration) Lyrics
More Featured Meanings ... This is about bronies. They communicate by stomping. ... This song is written as the perspective of the boys in the street, as a whole, ...
Arcade Fire - Everything Now Lyrics
It's kind of hole having everything available to you readily has created. Basically everything now is about wanting everything now but never actually ...
Arcade Fire - It's Never Over (Oh Orpheus) Lyrics
This song illustrates the constant pain we feel from that nature of that loss. The feeling that loss is a direct consequence of your actions. This song hints ...
Arcade Fire - We Exist Lyrics
This song isn't about a gay man, it's about a transgender kid, asking their father to accept them. The fact that this meaning goes straight over everyone's head ...
Arcade Fire - Electric Blue Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - Ocean of Noise Lyrics
While the obvious connections with suicide or alcoholism could be drawn easily, more subtly this song could be about someone who views the world through a ...
Arcade Fire - Month of May Lyrics
This song is about a Suicide. In psychiatry the "Month of "May" is commonly known to have a significantly higher rate of completed suicides than any other month ...
Arcade Fire - Normal Person Lyrics
A song about the way people perceive normalcy, that can be interpreted on a personal scale and on a sociological scale. ... I take it that the main message of the ...
Arcade Fire - Sprawl I (Flatland) Lyrics
It's apparently a simpler, happier song. But note that it also refers to the sprawl, darkness, and suburban encounters with the police. In some ways it's the ...
Arcade Fire - (Antichrist Television Blues) Lyrics
This is a good summary of the song. This boring, "perfect" life foisted upon us by some higher powers (not spiritual, but political, economic, etc. politicians ...
Peter Gabriel - My Body Is A Cage (Arcade Fire cover) Lyrics
The entire meaning is quite clear. To be frozen in fear, to look down at one's body crippled in fear, sickness, disability, etc., one couldn't help but find ...
Arcade Fire - Modern Man Lyrics
Ed Sheeran sings about missing his former partner and learning important life lessons in the process on “Punchline.” This track tells a story of battling to get ...
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (Continued) Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - Put Your Money On Me Lyrics
This song is basically a plea to for her to stay, saying "put your money on me" as a bet that he won't hurt her like that again, that he will grow old with her ...
Arcade Fire - We Used to Wait Lyrics
The world we live in has become consumed by instant gratification. Technology is our crutch; without it we would be lost. He hopes desperately that he can have ...
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles) Lyrics
To me its about the inevitability of time, but also the predictability of it. It is also optimistic about time to. He is saying that you can make good things ...
Arcade Fire - Une Annee Sans Lumiere Lyrics
I think it's a message from death itself. She rides a horse that wears blinders, meaning she arrives directly where she needs to. Nothing's going to stop her.
Arcade Fire - Cold Wind Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice) Lyrics
This song is about Win's journey and how fame changes you. The 'awful sound' is the crowds cheering. Both parties in the song are Win, the real Win, and the ...
Arcade Fire - Peter Pan Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Arcade Fire - The Well and the Lighthouse Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
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