SongMeanings Interpretations
Tom Odell - Another Love Lyrics
The song is about him being with a new partner and then describing how he can't commit emotionally to that person because he was hurt so badly by his previous ( ...
Tom Odell - Can't Pretend Lyrics
Well, the song seems like it's about a person who has fallen in love with someone but they don't want to admit it. They try to hide, but ultimately it end up ...
Tom Odell - I Know Lyrics
in my opinion this song is about the end of a relationship. the person is in denial and it is hard for him to admit that its over. "i know what you told me i ...
Tom Odell - Long Way Down Lyrics
The song is basically about a heart broken woman who just can't get over all the wonderful times spent with her lover. She is disillusioned but forces her mind ...
Tom Odell - Sense Lyrics
1 Comment ... I think this song is about a search for self fulfilment. ... In the chorus he is expressing how he feels like he is losing himself; that he is slowly ...
Tom Odell Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More
Tom Odell Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More at SongMeanings! song lyrics, song meanings, albums, music and more.
Tom Odell - Magnetised Lyrics
This is a good summary of the song. This boring, "perfect" life foisted upon us by some higher powers (not spiritual, but political, economic, etc. politicians ...
Tom Odell - Grow Old with Me Lyrics
He's trying to say that whathever they'll be , they'll see , he wants to grow with her no matter what , He's not scared and ready to get old but he wants to do ...
Tom Odell - Sirens Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Tom Odell - Storms Lyrics
This song is written as the perspective of the boys in the street, as a whole, and what path they are going to choose as they get older and grow into men. (This ...
Tom Odell - Hold Me Lyrics
This track is about is about questioning why the sky would choose to be blue if it had the choice to be anything else, “blue also meaning sad,” states frontman ...
Tom Odell - Here I Am Lyrics
While the obvious connections with suicide or alcoholism could be drawn easily, more subtly this song could be about someone who views the world through a ...
Tom Odell - If You Wanna Love Somebody Lyrics
He justifies this by saying that there is always someone for whom he will be important, no matter what he does and no matter what he is. Although it is not said ...
Tom Odell - Supposed To Be Lyrics
This song captivates me still, after 50+ years. Takes me to the deep South and the poverty of some who lived thru truly hard times. And the powerful spirit of a ...
Tom Odell - Till I Lost Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
Tom Odell - Still Getting Used to Being on My Own Lyrics
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