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Artist: The Alan Parsons Project
Suggested Track: Eye in the Sky

Don't think sorry's easily said
Don't try turning tables instead
You've taken lots of Chances before
But I'm not gonna give anymore
Don't ask me
That's how it goes
Cause part of me knows what you're thinkin'

Don't say words you're gonna regret
Don't let the fire rush to your head
I've heard the accusation before
And I ain't gonna take any more
Believe me
The sun in your Eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, I can read your mind

Don't leave false illusions behind
Don't cry cause I ain't changing my mind
So find another fool like before
Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing
Some of the lies while all of the signs are deceiving

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, I can read your mind
Full Lyrics and Meaning
SongMeanings Interpretations
The Alan Parsons Project Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More at ...
The Alan Parsons Project Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More at SongMeanings! song lyrics, song meanings, albums, music and more.
The Alan Parsons Project - Don't Answer Me Lyrics
The lyrics suggest the steady encroachment of technology into our lives and our weakness to confront it. Who needs magic or God when we have all this wonderful ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Psychobabble Lyrics
1 Comment ... This song is about the denial felt by someone struggling with mental illness or problems other major problems which are apparent to everyone else ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Ammonia Avenue Lyrics
This song is about science bringing to light that nothing is truley solid in base, and that the qualms over religion are merely pointless in the greater picture ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Sooner Or Later Lyrics
This song is about new love and getting to know someone new. You try to say the right things, to get closer to them, only for them to move away further or play ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
The Alan Parsons Project - What Goes Up Lyrics
Everything that shines must fade. Nothing can with stand the constant dynamic nature of our planet and the universe. Eventually everything ends. The song is ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Gemini Lyrics
As for the meaning, I think it is about the bond between lovers. The constelation Gemini is "the twins" and represents two twins holding hands. So when he says ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Standing On Higher Ground Lyrics
To the casual listener, this is a song about moral superiority. The narrator stands apart from the world, too independent to be bothered with its violence and ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Games People Play Lyrics
This song seemingly tackles the methods of deception those who manipulate others use to get victims to follow their demands, as well as diverting attention away ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Days Are Numbers (The Traveller) Lyrics
"Watch the stars", "days are numbers" and "the traveller awaits the morning tide". ... But something deep inside of him Keeps telling him to go He hasn't found a ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Prime Time Lyrics
Listening to this song, you can almost imagine what the songwriters' thinking...he's essentially saying, "You got one shot at this life...when the opportunities ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Time Lyrics
Beautiful, melancholic song. The symbolic river of time flows to the sea and appears to be gone forever, but we learned in grade school about evaporation, ...
The Alan Parsons Project - I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You Lyrics
Following the theme of the album I believe that this song is about robot/human conflicts. The robot is saying that even though human is smarter and the master ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Let's Talk About Me Lyrics
Apparently, this is about a guy who feels left out, that no one cares about him enough to even talk about him, ask how he feels, what he thinks. He possibly had ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Limelight Lyrics
-- where the lead characters wore shades). So I think this song is about a guy who wears shades as a way of hiding his insecurity after learning that his ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Day After Day Lyrics
Ed Sheeran reflects on love lost, and although he wishes his former partner find happiness, he cannot but admit his feelings are still very much there. He ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Breakdown Lyrics
5 Comments ... It is about mental illness- using the theme of the Album - I Robot, hence "breakdown". ... just think about the last 4 lines! ... I break down - has a ...
The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn of a Friendly Card Lyrics
The song is indeed about gambling addiction, but it is more subtle then only just reffering to a poker face or Vegas, it also refers to the (lack of) emotions ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Pyramania Lyrics
This song is written as the perspective of the boys in the street, as a whole, and what path they are going to choose as they get older and grow into men. (This ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Nothing Left To Lose Lyrics
This is a good summary of the song. This boring, "perfect" life foisted upon us by some higher powers (not spiritual, but political, economic, etc. politicians ...
The Alan Parsons Project - La Sagrada Famiilia Lyrics
La Sagrada Familia is "The Holy Family" - off the album "Gaudi". The La Sagrada Familia is a church - Antonio Gaudi's matserpiece, which is still under ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise Lyrics
First Chorus – Again, I think “old and wise” is used as a metaphor here for death itself rather than old age and the attainment of wisdom. The subject feels he ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Don't Let It Show Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Siren Song Lyrics
-- where the lead characters wore shades). So I think this song is about a guy who wears shades as a way of hiding his insecurity after learning that his ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Shadow Of A Lonely Man Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Step By Step Lyrics
The person who doesn't 'have the heart to play', doesn't, because he assumes he will lose anyway. This song is about building hope in the face of hopelessness.
The Alan Parsons Project - Some Other Time Lyrics
This song is about extraterrestrial intelligences watching humanity from the sky ("like a mirror held before me large as the sky is wide, and the image is ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Oh Life (There Must Be More) Lyrics
The song is actually about a ship. Old and worn from years of servitude to humanity. Stripped of everything that is worth anything, even her bell. Towed out to ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Children Of The Moon Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells the story of his friend and the myriad of troubles he is going through. Unable to find any solutions, this friend seeks a last resort in a ...
The Alan Parsons Project - May Be A Price To Pay Lyrics
This is a good summary of the song. This boring, "perfect" life foisted upon us by some higher powers (not spiritual, but political, economic, etc. politicians ...
The Alan Parsons Project - The Same Old Sun Lyrics
A person dealing with being spurned by a lover - kind of an "I'll be alight" in a postive light sort of way. The opposite to "Sooner or Later", which is more of ...
The Alan Parsons Project - (The System of) Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether Lyrics
More Featured Meanings ... This song seemingly tackles the methods of deception those who manipulate others use to get victims to follow their demands, as well as ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Snake Eyes Lyrics
The track speaks of where the mind goes at the most desperate & desolate of times, when it just about slips away to all but disconnect itself, and the aftermath ...
The Alan Parsons Project - The Voice Lyrics
When the someone else is me, its unkind its unkind". I believe hes referring to the girl toying with him and using him. He wants something deeper with her, ...
The Alan Parsons Project - To One in Paradise Lyrics
This song is written as the perspective of the boys in the street, as a whole, and what path they are going to choose as they get older and grow into men. (This ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Dancing On A High Wire Lyrics
In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Stereotomy Lyrics
More Featured Meanings ... This song seemingly tackles the methods of deception those who manipulate others use to get victims to follow their demands, as well as ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Silence And I Lyrics
While the obvious connections with suicide or alcoholism could be drawn easily, more subtly this song could be about someone who views the world through a ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Light Of The World Lyrics
A song about someone who desperately wants to believe in something - anything - and looks to someone to be their 'light of the world'. From a biblical ...
The Alan Parsons Project - The Eagle Will Rise Again Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
The Alan Parsons Project - The Ring Lyrics
Ed Sheeran tells a story of unsuccessfully trying to feel “Amazing.” This track is about the being weighed down by emotional stress despite valiant attempts to ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Freudiana Lyrics
Freudiana, do you want to be somebody? Freudiana, do you want to change the world? I look back and try to find the part of me I don't know. I won't stop till I ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Can't Take It With You Lyrics
In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Separate Lives Lyrics
This song is written as the perspective of the boys in the street, as a whole, and what path they are going to choose as they get older and grow into men. (This ...
The Alan Parsons Project - If I Could Change Your Mind Lyrics
In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control ...
The Alan Parsons Project - The Cask Of Amontillado Lyrics
In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control ...
The Alan Parsons Project - You Don't Believe Lyrics
In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control ...
The Alan Parsons Project - Beaujolais Lyrics
In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control ...
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Eye In The Sky by The Alan Parsons Project - Songfacts
Eye In The Sky by The Alan Parsons Project song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position